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Professor Jamie Anderson coauthor of the 2021 Overall Winning Case ‘The Dollar Shave Club’

The Case Centre Awards are an annual celebration of excellence in case writing and teaching at schools of business, management and government worldwide. Professor Jamie Anderson of Antwerp Management School has won the Overall Winning Case.

Lorenzo Franchi

Innovating the Labor Organization, a Retail Case by Herman Van de Velde

During this webinar, Belgian entrepreneur Herman Van de Velde will share his vision on entrepreneurship and leadership based on his experience as leader of the lingerie company Van de Velde which celebrated 100 years in 2019.

Hoe hybride werken we morgen?

Thuiswerk lijkt een blijver te worden: steeds meer bedrijven kiezen ervoor om kantoren te sluiten en hun medewerkers vanop afstand te laten werken. Een hybride kantooromgeving – combinatie tussen werken vanop afstand en op kantoor – richt je het best in vanuit de noden van de gebruiker.

Digital transformation lab: House of HR's hypergrowth ambitions - An IT perspective

Op de 8e editie van het Digital Transformation Lab besprak Wilbert Ingels de hypergrowth-ambities van House of HR.

Digital transformation lab: "Real estate, a complex environment embracing digital opportunities"

Tijdens de 9e editie van de Digital Transformation Labs gaf Geert van Mol, co-CEO van Steenoven, ons een verhelderend inzicht hoe baanbrekend nieuwe technologieën kunnen zijn voor de vastgoedsector.

Wendbaar Onderhandelen en Beïnvloeden voor de Publieke Sector

Een disruptive sessie van een halve dag over wendbaar onderhandelen en beïnvloeden voor de publieke sector bij Antwerp Management School.

30 years Celebration - Master in Management (MIM)

30 years ago the first MBA class started at RUCA. In 2001 the program changed into the Master in Management (MIM) at (U)AMS. 30 classes and 770 alumni later the program is still attracting young talents to become the managers of the future.
Time for a celebrattion

The Next Question: Supply Chains and CSR in a COVID World

Over the past 30 years, the importance of corporate social responsibility and sustainability in business and supply chain management has grown considerably. Nearly all major international corporations have adopted some elements of „triple bottom line“ (profit, people, planet) thinking and reporting. In 2019 the EU even launched the „New Green Deal“, a massive investment bill aimed at placing the EU at the forefront of environmentally-friendly technologies and turning Europe into the first climate-neutral continent. You are invited to join our upcoming event set to take place on 30 March, 2021 at 12:00 (CET): Supply Chains and CSR in a COVID World.