AMS is verheugd om samen te werken met Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) aan de Fashion Match Week 2020. Nu meer dan ooit, in de veranderende mode-industrie en vooral in tijden van COVID-19, zijn we ons bewust van het belang van het vinden van de juiste partner voor business, productie, innovatie en technologie.
Webinar 8 October - Shift towards circular Fashion
English spoken webinar
On October 8th, as part of the Fashion Match Week, Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship together with Antwerp Management School will host the webinar ‘Shift towards circular fashion'.
Detailed Program - 8 October 10.00 – 11.00AM
Welcome; by Prof. Dr. Annick Schramme, Academic Director of the International Fashion Management Master at AMS
Why make the shift towards circular fashion/textiles? With examples from the Belgian fashion industry; by Rozanne Henzen, researcher at the Expertise Center for s Transformation at AMS and author of the Little book on Circular economy for Dummies (in Dutch)
Circular business models for the fashion industry; by Walter Van Andel, PhD researcher on entrepreneurship and creativity at the University of Antwerp
Best practice from the Flemish fashion industry; by Mark MJ Vandevelde, Founder of KOMRADS
Close The Loop, a tool developed by Flanders DC and Circular Flanders to guide fashion entrepreneurs through the basics of a more sustainable way of working; by Jasmien Wynants, Flanders DC
This webinar is free of charge. Register here.