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Webinar on strategy and leadership: from choices…
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AMS Business strategy 2

Webinar on strategy and leadership: from choices to success stories

No one can avoid making choices, even not choosing is a choice. One of the key aspects of leadership is the ability to make informed decisions. But how can you do that in an ever-changing, complex and ambiguous business context?

In this webinar, you will learn why making choices is so important for successful strategic management and how cognitive neuropsychology can assist you in this. Prof. Geert Scheipers and Prof. Steven Poelmans will explain all about the various types of strategic choices, when you should or should not make decisions, and how cognitive (neuro)psychology can help you do so.
by Geert Scheipers, Steven Poelmans, PhD | May 3, 2023
AMS Business strategy 2

After this webinar, you will have a better understanding of:

  • making choices and why this is a core aspect of strategic management;
  • identifying, characterizing and appropriately handling strategic issues;
  • the connections between cognitive (neuro)psychology and strategic management;
  • some practical tools that can help you make strategic choices as a leader.

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