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AMS Fund

Want to find more information about the AMS Fund? Discover this page.


Want to find more information about Antwerp? Discover this page.


Want to find more information about the history of AMS? Discover this page.

Principles for Responsible Management Education

Want to find more information about the Principles for Responsible Management Education? Discover this page.


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In-Company Projects

Our graduate students can assist you in reviewing your current strategies and developing new opportunities and solutions.
Teams of carefully selected master’s students, supervised by our faculty, will work intensively on your business challenges and deliver a complete report with fresh insights and practical recommendations.

Innovation sprint

We all know how important innovation is to stay ahead in a competitive business landscape. However, innovation does not come easy. It takes time to challenge existing processes, to generate fresh ideas, to transform these ideas in tangible business concepts or new products. The students of our Master in Innovation & Entrepreneurship can boost innovation within your company: they generate new ideas and transform them into new concepts or products. Only 1 company per year can participate!