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Executive Master in Public Governance & Leadership

The Executive Master in Public Governance & Leadership for Flemish and Dutch professionals in the public sector.

Why AMS?

For more than 60 years, AMS has been the learning partner for the public and social profit sector. Our teachers are experts in their field and combine academic expertise with extensive practical knowledge. Discover the many benefits of this master here.


Discover the building blocks, faculty and schedule of the AMS Master in Public Management designed for you to lift your knowledge and skills to a higher level.


We provide a straightforward, yet thorough application and admission process. Read more about entry requirements and the application and admission process.

Fees & funding

Read more about the fee of the program and the possible financial benefits.

Executive Master in IT Management

This master aims for IT leadership of a successful enterprise in a digital environment. Boost your IT-knowledge with the necessary management, process and communication skills in order to align the business & IT strategy.

Why AMS?

For more than 25 years, Antwerp Management School (AMS) and the University of Antwerp (UA) have been playing a leading role in the research area of business world & IT and the alignment between these two. Read more about the advantages of this master.


Discover the building blocks, faculty and schedule of the Master in IT Management, specially designed to broaden and deepen your knowledge, skills and experience.

Admission procedure

We provide a straightforward, yet thorough application and admission process. Read more about the entry requirements and the application & admission process

Fees & funding

Read more about the fee of the program and the potential financial benefits.