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EICAA - Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Competences Assessment Alliance

The project 'Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Competences Assessment Alliance' (EICAA) aims to develop a digital platform for the assessment and development of entrepreneurial competences.

EICAA - Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Competences Assessment Alliance copy

The project 'Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Competences Assessment Alliance' (EICAA) aims to develop a digital platform for the assessment and development of entrepreneurial competences.

Sustainable change in Belgium (ING Belgium)

Sustainable Change Study conducted in collaboration with ING Belgium on the position and performance of Belgian companies in relation to sustainability.

Hybrid business models (ING Belgium)

A study on Hybrid Business Models in cooperation with ING Belgium.

SDG-barometer Belgium 2018

On March 22, 2018, Antwerp Management School, Louvain School of Management, Universiteit Antwerpen, The Shift, Cifal Flanders, FIDO and ING Belgium launched the first national reserach on the application of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Belgian organizations.

Individual sustainability leadership (EPCA)

Research on the nature and benefits of individual sustainability leadership, drawing on expert opinions, best practices and existing literature.

Main trends in the area of corporate social responsibility

CSR Trend Report 2016 about important developments in CSR.

Integrated value and sustainable transformation (DOMO Chemicals)

This partnership focuses on enabling DOMO to kick start its sustainable transformation journey by using the IV methodology, which will align the company’s strategy and operations with changing societal trends and expectations.

Sustainability review (Port of Antwerp)

AMS conducted a review and analysis of public disclosures on sustainability by 796 companies in the POA, based on the Port Directory Database.

SDG Barometer 2020

Antwerp Management School, Louvain School of Management and the University of Antwerp are conducting a national study about how Belgian organizations apply or do not apply the Sustainable Development Goals in their organization. The SDG Barometer 2020 builds on an earlier study in 2018. This study was supported by the Federal Institute for Sustainable Development.