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About 1772 results
Fees & funding
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Master Class Real Estate Law
This short-term program answers your need for legal expertise in the real estate business.
Fees & funding
Read more about the fee of the program and the possible financial benefits.
Our alumni are real hands-on experts who explain how they have experienced this module, how it changed their life and their career and how it has helped them to grow as an individual.
Our alumni are real hands-on experts who explain how they have experienced this module, how it changed their life and their career and how it has helped them to grow as an individual.
SDG Barometer Belgium 2018
Antwerp Management School, Louvain School of Management, Universiteit Antwerpen, The Shift, Cifal Flanders, FIDO en ING België lanceerden op 22 maart 2018 het allereerste nationale onderzoek naar de toepassing van de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen (Sustainable Development Goals SDG’s) in Belgische organisaties.
AMS is watching you: neurotraining for better leadership
End 2019, Prof. Dr. Steven Poelmans installed the first Belgian NeuroTrainingLab™ at Antwerp Management School. In his lab, he teaches business leaders how to make better, empathic decisions, especially in times of stress. “It’s easy to be a leader in times of peace, but it’s difficult to be a leader in times of war.” According to Steven business schools aren’t doing a good job in preparing their students for war.