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Participation barometer

The COVID-19 workplace not only increases physical but also social distance. In pre-pandemic times it was still pretty easy to find ways of sharing ideas or giving feedback within your organization, but today you may well be feeling a bit more inhibited. Because of the massive working from home, there is a risk you are not letting your voice be heard spontaneously. Informal coffee breaks are gone, making it more difficult to openly discuss decisions made by your manager or coworkers. So you prefer to keep quiet, even if you do not agree.

Pioneering Employer

De Lijn, Antwerp Management School and Jobat are jointly launching the Baanbrecht Werkgever charter. This charter gives organizations a framework and an extra incentive to embed hybrid work and new mobility in a policy where the employee is central.

Sustainable Career Paths

The aim of this project is to unravel sustainable career paths. How do these careers develop? Which different pathways can we discover?

Road to Growth

Guidance process for every ambitious entrepreneur who wants to reinforce their business

Technology players make ‘Peak hour Avoidance Antwerp’ (‘Spitsmijden’) smarter with automatic detection of the best individual mobility advice

The Antwerp Management School (AMS) Expertise Center Smart Mobility, Antwerp technology company Sentiance and ‘Peak Hour Avoidance’ mobility app developer Olympus Mobility work together to give individual mobility advice to the participants in www.spitsmijden-antwerpen.be.

3 basic rules to design a great entrepreneurial strategy

Entrepreneurs face many strategic dilemmas and challenges when they want to turn their idea into a business. An example: Should entrepreneurs storm the castle and just take action or should they first sit down and consciously plan their first strategic moves?

The Art of Corporate Venturing

Research project on the value of collaborations between corporates and start-ups.

AMS appoints world’s first Chair on Sustainable Transformation

Antwerp Management School (AMS) announced today the appointment of Dr Wayne Visser as the world’s first Chair on Sustainable Transformation and Professor of Integrated Value.