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With NweRIDE we wanted to increase the number of passengers per car by connecting different existing ridesharing systems in Northwestern Europe.


Olympus was 1 of the five experimental platforms for electric vehicles approved by the Flemish Government in July 2011. This experimental platform focused on networked mobility solutions and a seamless connection between private transport, public transport and shared vehicles.


With the ‘Shopmob’ project, Smart Mobility researched how consumer travel behavior can be changed. The idea was to reduce peak moments in shops through better spreading in time and over different means of transportation.


With the TransMob project we researched how single payment systems can improve mobility.


Making freight transport and mobility of people more sustainable is a huge challenge for Flanders. Both are important pillars of our economy and prosperity. Both are facing big challenges on CO2 reduction and loss due to congestion. That is why the Flemish government started up the SBO project Urban Logistics & Mobility in July 2014. In this project Flemish universities and knowledge centers combined their expertise in these areas.


With the Vebimobe project we researched whether it was possible to update the Flemish traffic sign database via traffic sign recognition, integrated in modern cars and smart cameras. We also researched whether the traffic sign database could serve as a basis for the integration of speed cards and sustainability cards in vehicles.


With Watertruck we wanted to further develop the freight transport on small waterways and optimize it with the introduction of a new navigation concept consisting of a push tug and fitted pushed barges. As a result, an efficient and flexible road transport model is applied to inland navigation


With Watertruck we wanted to further develop the freight transport on small waterways and optimize it with the introduction of a new navigation concept consisting of a push tug and fitted pushed barges. As a result, an efficient and flexible road transport model is applied to inland navigation


Watertruck is an innovative means of transportation for freight transport over small waterways, which uses small, self-driven or non-driven, standardized pushed barges. Combined with small or large ecofriendly push tugs, used in convoys, the concept ensures maximum flexibility for the activities, while keeping a maximum regional accessibility by connecting the small waterways with the TEN-T network.

Sustainable transformation keeps moving forward at AMS

2017 has been an accelerating year for the formerly named Competence Center Corporate Responsibility. We have rebranded as the Sustainable Transformation Lab with the establishment of a Chair in Sustainable Transformation, supported by BASF, The Port of Antwerp and Randstad.