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In the Mercator project Flanders Inshape and Voka – Chamber of Commerce wanted to define and understand the influence of design-driven innovation on the success of prominent businesses to allow them to inform and sensibilize other companies.


Creative starters are mainly driven by their passion and less by entrepreneurship. That’s why we wanted to put extra emphasis on improving entrepreneurial competencies. At the same time, it appears that the success rate is higher when starting from a network than when working individually.

Build over Water

Research into how the transportation of building materials can be moved to waterways was done through twelve trial runs with palletized building materials, complemented with research into how regions can be opened up using water-based distribution centers.

Digitaal platform Minder Hinder

To limit disruptions due to road work, Smart Mobility set up a Minder Hinder (Less Disruption) plan and a Minder Hinder test for a uniform and transparent policy on the limitation of disruption for large as well as small road work projects, on main roads as well as secondary roads, at busy intersections as well as quiet local squares.


Within the DYNAcity project, we studied how city mobility should look like so that travelers want and will commute more efficiently.

Adoption of co-creation processes

The research project Adoption of Co-creation processes was aimed at ensuring that companies use co-creation processes to innovate. The main focus was on the prior conditions needed in the context of businesses that operate in a multi-stakeholder context, for SMEs and for businesses working in a B2B context.

Shared trailer parking

On certain roads, freight transport companies account for a third of all traffic. They suffer tremendous damage due to the frequent congestion and traffic jams. With this project we researched whether the use of shared trailer parking lots could offer a solution.


The purpose of the project was to implement statistic models in a CAD environment to allow many businesses and service providers to develop better body-specific products (glasses, gloves, helmets, shoes, hearing aids, headsets…) based on large databases with specific and useful information.


The European Cornet project InnoQuality was a collaboration between 3 leading German research institutions and Centexbel. InnoQuality’s objective was to support interior textiles businesses with an Inno-Guide to optimize the innovation stream in these companies.

Designs for small series

In this project, the project partners Industrial Design Center, Sirris and Flanders Inshape developed a design method – with supporting tools – for smaller series. This method can be used by businesses as well as students. A wide range of production techniques and materials is used. Next to the classic production methods, additive manufacturing and digital production techniques are increasingly used for the production of small series.