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SIMON: Simultaneous development of product and business model
The goal of the “SIMON” project is to stimulate businesses in the Flemish textile, wood and furniture industry that are into product diversification, to consider a simultaneous development of product and business model.
A sequential approach, where first a product is developed and later an adjusted business model has to be developed, does not lead to good results and considerably extends the time-to-market.
Social Media for User Innovators
To identify lead users quickly and systematically, the Fast Lead User IDentification (FLUID) is proposed.
Intelligente Walsen
With the ‘Smart roadroller’ project, Smart Mobility researched how using smart systems can further improve asphalt paving of roads, by replacing quality control on pavements, currently done after the work has finished, with tests during the paving procedure.
Mobilotoop was Design Platform Vlaanderen’s first crossover project. It was a large scale, concrete project with several activities in different regions, that involved all target groups and lead to tangible results. It had to inspire – show potential via future scenarios with tangible concepts and prototypes – as well as initiate knowledge exchange and contacts between industry, designers, knowledge centers, schools and a broad public.
Office bus
The office bus is a bus in which office employees have an individual workplace, secure fast internet, usb-connections and power outlets. As soon as the employees get on board, they can start working. This turns travel time into work time.
By anticipating trends in both product development and mobility, Flanders Inshape and IDE (Innovatie & Design Euregio), in collaboration with Smart Mobility, built innovative prototypes for a new mobility.