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“Next Generation Work” research emphasizes importance of meaningful work, for all generations

How to keep different generations motivated on the shop floor has been a burning issue in both theory and practice for a long time. In particular, set against the backdrop of lengthening careers, research into the conditions under which we can achieve our full potential throughout a lifelong career has become a pressing issue.

Why you can assert ownership of your career but not of your job

People no longer view careers the way they used to. In Voka Tribune, Prof. Dr. Ans De Vos looks back on the development of the vision on careers in the past 6 years. The focus of career policy has shifted. In the (recent) past the focus was on how one’s capacities grew within an organization. And an individual’s growth could – to a certain extent – be predicted.

Antwerp Management School builds a sustainable future with poetry and art

Since September 2016, Antwerp Management School has been busy rebuilding the former CPA buildings on the Mechelseplein. The right-hand section, at Lange-Gasthuisstraat, is being kept in its original form. The left-hand section is being newly built and the architecture will echo the rhythm of the adjacent historic building. The new building will reflect AMS’s open-house philosophy.

First Disruptival, a festival for West Flemish SMEs

At Disruptival in Ostend yesterday, around 100 attendees got a glimpse of the future. Knowledge centers demonstrated the newest technologies and gave visitors a taste of the impact of the newest developments and the opportunities for their companies.

Showing vulnerability as a leader… a delicate balance

For the September 5 Leadership Lab, doctoral candidate Johannes Claeys met with members of our Connect program in the Kapel van de Ontluiking in Groot-Bijgaarden. Next week, he presents his PhD on “Leadership and Vulnerability” at Tilburg University. During our meeting, he gave us a sneak preview of his research and we discussed the importance of “vulnerable leadership” in our own practice.

15 success factors for merger and acquisition processes

There are reports every day in the financial press on mergers and acquisitions in SMEs and major corporations. After all, acquisitions are a way of boosting and solidifying your company’s competitive position. But they can also create problems. Bringing a newly merged entity safely into harbor requires a favorable climate composed of critical success factors. Professor Eddy Laveren (AMS and University of Antwerp) and master student Lennert Verstreken conducted research into the factors behind successful mergers and acquisitions and came up with 15 success factors for mergers or acquisitions.

Drivers of success for SME internationalization

As a professor in Entrepreneurship & Family Business, I would like to share with you some insights on the internationalization of SMEs and family businesses. I will give you some ideas on how you can be more successful in going global with your company, based on a recent study in Germany.

Leadership at the zoo

Koen Marichal and Jesse Segers share their views and insights on leadership. They talk about the clichés and misconceptions that exist around leadership and about what kind of leadership is needed today in today's society. Starting from events we experience in our daily lives, with every new episode, you will be made even more aware of leadership in your environment, but also your own leadership. After all, leadership is everywhere!

This is episode 1 about leadership types in the zoo.
This podcast is in Dutch.