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Thomas Van Asch

Strategy & Innovation Challenge

We're tackling the dynamic theme of the clash between failure and innovation. This event is designed to help you embrace failure, and be inspired to turn it into a powerful driver of success. Dr. J. André de Barros Teixeira will kick off as our keynote speaker, sharing insights on how failure can lead to success. Afterward, innovation experts Prof. Robin De Cock and Dr. Geert Scheipers will lead a debate, providing their perspectives and igniting discussions.

EMBA Quiz Night

Get ready to put your knowledge to the test and reconnect with fellow EMBA alumni, current students, and our newest cohort at the upcoming EMBA Quiz Night! 🧠✨

Whether you're a trivia master or just looking for a fun evening with old friends this is your chance to shine, laugh, and win some exciting prizes. Expect a thrilling mix of questions across various categories, ensuring there's something for everyone.

Don’t miss out, this is the perfect opportunity to reconnect with familiar faces, start new conversations, and enjoy a fun-filled evening!

Business Connect - The Finance Behind Football

Join Us for an Exclusive Deep Dive into the Financial Dynamics of Football

In the world of football, the action isn't just on the pitch. The real game often unfolds behind the scenes, where strategic decisions, investments, and financial acumen shape the future of clubs and the industry as a whole. In our second edition of Business Connect, we invite you to explore the intricate financial landscape of football with us, alongside some of the most influential figures in Belgian football.