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A lot can be done online, but nothing beats real human contact.

Professors Peggy De Prins and Lou Van Beirendonck from Antwerp Management School emphasize that innovative HR policies can attract employees, especially when they can meaningfully contribute to the community. Alongside technological developments like AI, human contact remains crucial for collaboration and innovation. According to them, modern HR requires a balance of flexibility, inclusion, and clear team goals. In hybrid work cultures, where informal moments are rarer, in-person meetings and dialogue are increasingly important. Innovation in local governments demands a shift toward horizontal structures and constant adaptation, where employees feel valued and connected. They will share their insights at the upcoming P+O Congress.

Full Masterclass

Companies face numerous challenges, including digitalization, shifts in the ecosystem, and changing markets. These bring opportunities, but too often we see companies falling short of their innovation goals. Additionally, while companies do focus on innovation, they often lack focus *within* their innovation efforts.

The NIS2 – What Boards Must Do

The NIS2 – a European directive that follows in the footsteps of NIS1 – requires full implementation by member states on October 17, 2024. This means that member states will have had time between January 16, 2023 and October 17, 2024, to translate the law into more specific rules and instructions in order to comply effectively. It's worth noting that certain countries and industries have already anticipated this shift and have started adapting to it. In this article, I describe three stances vital to boards or anybody having a steak in the company. And the primary obligations you must consider.

Milena Janjevic, PhD

Matthias Winckenbach, PhD

Elisabeth Jouannaux, PhD