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Trends Impact: On the accessibility of renewable energy with EnergyVision and Turbulent

The increasing challenges of climate change amplify the need for renewable energy. But how can we ensure that green energy is accessible to everyone?

Trends Impact: Is the traditional resume outdated? On inclusive recruitment and talent-oriented hiring with Accent and De Stuyverij

Diverse organizations experience higher creativity and innovation, but companies often struggle with inclusive recruitment, perpetuating biases and employment barriers.

VIONA webinar: impact Flemish Climate Adaptation Plan on the labor market

Take part in this free webinar and discover the impact of the Flemish Climate Adaptation Plan on the labor market.

Alumni Golf Trophy

Join us for another exciting edition of the Alumni Golf Trophy at the stunning Ternesse Golf Club! Whether you're an avid golfer or a complete beginner, there's something for everyone. Participate in the 18-hole Golf Qualifying Tournament, join the Golf Initiation led by a qualified instructor, or simply enjoy the dinner and networking opportunities. Don't miss out on this fantastic event!

Strong workplace democracy creates political trust

1,700 Flemish workers expose their political views. It turns out that our well-being in the workplace is inextricably linked to our voting behavior.

Marie Van Broekhoven

Karin Duivenvoorden

Anne-Sophie Landtmeters

Katrin Eyckmans

Wim Panis