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AMS Grow & Connect Day

Looking to add value in your professional field? Then Grow & Connect Day is the event for you.
On the 7th of May, AMS brings together experts in their field who invite you to follow along with their story. But it is not just about keeping you up to date of current topics and challenges. Grow & Connect Day offers you an entire day full of networking opportunities and exclusive refresher sessions that tackle the topics that keep your mind occupied. You decide what your own program will look like, we do the rest

Inge van Hooydonk

Meryliis Moistlik

Ellen Schouppe

CEO Port of Antwerp-Bruges Jacques Vandermeiren joins the board of directors

Antwerp Management School welcomes Jacques Vandermeiren, CEO of Port of Antwerp-Bruges, as the newest member of its board of directors. His addition emphasizes the close bond between Antwerp Management School, the University of Antwerp and the global ecosystem of the port. It underlines the management school's ambitions to continue to pioneer sustainable leadership, innovation and transformation.

Preparing for CSRD: 3 tips for a credible and compliant sustainability report

The significance of corporate sustainability reporting is increasing, driven by EU CSRD regulations. It underscores the imperative for companies to authentically acknowledge and mitigate their social and ecological footprints. Compliance with CSRD entails comprehensive reporting across diverse domains, mandating rigorous risk assessment and transparency. Dr. Jan Beyne, sustainability expert, offers essential tips for effective reporting.

Bert Schreurs

Wellbeing works: Results after 1 year of research on workplace well-being interventions

Are you interested in bottom-up insights into what leaders indicate they need to ensure the well-being of their teams? Do you want to understand in which areas an organization can directly impact the well-being of its employees, and where that influence does not apply? During this event, the results of one year of research "Wellbeing Works" will be shared through interactive sessions and a panel discussion.

Hakim Benichou

Jan Laurijssen