About 1767 results
The impact of climate change on employees in 4 numbers
Climate change is a pressing global issue that affects many aspects of our daily lives, including our work environments. In the workplace, climate change creates new risks for occupational health and safety: physical health risks, mental health challenges, changes in work patterns and productivity. In order to mitigate the negative effects of climate change and build a more resilient and sustainable future, employers and employees must understand and address the impact of climate change on the workforce.
What’s next for work in textile, construction, chemistry & life sciences?
AMS research helps future-proof the role of work in vital industries
An aging workforce, how to build sustainable careers, and prioritizing workable work… these issues present specific challenges for the textile, construction, chemical, and life science industry.
AMS Competence Center “Next Generation Work” recently conducted industry-level thorough research on the subject. This research combines the viewpoints of both employees and employers, resulting in a comprehensive take on these crucial issues – and important information to future-proof these vital industries.
Why emotions matter: 3 enablers for sustainability intelligence
Sustainability intelligence is becoming increasingly important in our rapidly changing world that challenges us more and more and in which sustainability as a concept is very much under pressure. How can we better pursue sustainability intelligence, and why do emotions matter? Read more about the three key enablers of sustainability intelligence in this blogpost.
A plea for the relay in leadership and careers
Jacinda Ardern's decision to quit as Prime Minister of New Zealand already triggered a wide range of reactions, ranging from "Can women really have it all?" and "The strengths and pitfalls of empathy" to "In the current system, we're losing all the good guys...". A wide range of opinions, but the common denominator remains a narrow and outdated view of leadership and careers. We argue for a more collective and sustainable perspective, or a relay race rather than a sprint.
1 in 3 people come to work sick. What message are you giving your employees?
Don’t want your employees to come to work sick? Then check your organization’s absenteeism culture: what (implicit) message are you giving your employees about being sick and working?
A toxic culture is not just about toxic leadership
The term “toxic leadership” is all over the news these days, most recently, e.g., in the articles about Plopsaland. But what is toxic leadership? In the news, it is often associated with “transgressive behavior” or “a strict level of control”. The question is: when do you cross the line? When does something completely legit such as holding an employee accountable for underachieving, suddenly become “transgressive”? And control is a fundamental part of management, so when does it become excessively strict, leading to burn-out?
International Women’s Day: breaking the status-quo in the maritime sector
Though many may still think of the maritime sector as an oil tanker rather than a speedboat, in reality the industry’s transformation is running at top speed, making full use of innovative digital technologies. And though many may still think of the maritime sector as a man’s world, in reality, well, they have a point … Women in the maritime sector are still highly underrepresented, especially at management level. But not for long, if you ask Céline Mortier and Prof. Christa Sys, two leading ladies of the maritime industry in Belgium.
The Castaar Foundation supports charitable causes through its own merchandise.
This is episode 1 of the series 'Trends Gamechangers'.
The Trends Impact Podcast takes you on an exciting journey through the environmental and societal achievements of companies making a positive impact on our planet. Over nine episodes, winners and nominees of the Trends Impact Awards 2022 share their stories. The host is Britt Buseyne, a Trends columnist and founder of the podcast Sustainababbels. In each episode, an expert from Antwerp Management School provides analysis and background.
In this episode, Britt Buseyne engages in a conversation with Christophe Dedoncker from Castaar and Kathleen Vangronsvelt from Antwerp Management School. As rebellious advertising professionals, the team at creative agency Castaar understands that small things can have a significant impact. The popularity of their work attire, even among those not affiliated with the company, sparked an idea. Under the name Castaar Foundation, Castaar produces and sells limited edition merchandise, the proceeds of which are used to support charitable causes and projects with societal impact.
The Trends Impact Podcast is an initiative by Trends and Antwerp Management School. The Trends Impact Awards are organized by Trends and PWC, in collaboration with Antwerp Management School.
This podcast is in Dutch.
Biolectric converts manure into energy, thereby reducing greenhouse gas and nitrogen emissions.
This is episode 2 of the series 'Trends Gamechangers'.
The Trends Impact Podcast takes you on an exciting journey through the environmental and societal achievements of companies making a positive impact on our planet. Over nine episodes, winners and nominees of the Trends Impact Awards 2022 share their stories. The host is Britt Buseyne, a Trends columnist and founder of the podcast Sustainababbels. In each episode, an expert from Antwerp Management School provides analysis and background.
In this episode, Britt Buseyne discusses with Klaas Vanhee from Biolectric and Ewald Van den Auwelant from Antwerp Management School. With their biogas installations or pocket digesters, Biolectric makes it easier for pig and dairy farmers to engage in sustainable business practices. Last year, they expanded their technology with a nitrogen stripper, enabling farmers to convert on-farm manure into green energy and a substitute for synthetic fertilizers. This serves as a significant lever for addressing climate and nitrogen-related issues while also providing an additional source of income for an industry under pressure.
The Trends Impact Podcast is an initiative by Trends and Antwerp Management School. The Trends Impact Awards are organized by Trends and PWC, in collaboration with Antwerp Management School.
This podcast is in Dutch.
PermaFungi cultivates oyster mushrooms on coffee grounds.
This is episode 3 of the series 'Trends Gamechangers'.
The Trends Impact Podcast takes you on an exciting journey through the environmental and societal achievements of companies making a positive impact on our planet. Over nine episodes, winners and nominees of the Trends Impact Awards 2022 share their stories. The host is Britt Buseyne, a Trends columnist and founder of the podcast Sustainababbels. In each episode, an expert from Antwerp Management School provides analysis and background.
In this episode, Britt Buseyne discusses with Stijn Roovers from PermaFungi and Ewald Van den Auwelant from Antwerp Management School. Embracing the concept of no waste in nature, PermaFungi utilizes coffee grounds as a substrate to cultivate oyster mushrooms. The resulting compost, known as 'champost,' is also employed by PermaFungi to create biodegradable material that can serve as a substitute for plastic. With a European subsidy of 2 million euros, they aim to scale up and market the production of so-called 'mycomaterial' in the coming years.
The Trends Impact Podcast is an initiative by Trends and Antwerp Management School. The Trends Impact Awards are organized by Trends and PWC, in collaboration with Antwerp Management School.
This podcast is in Dutch.