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Webinar: Exploring the use of AI in innovation processes
Join this free webinar and delve into the transformative role of AI in innovation
Webinar: A well-being policy is more than fruits and yoga
Join this free webinar and make the first move toward an effective well-being strategy in your organization
Webinar: Culture eats strategy for breakfast
Join this free webinar and find out how to align organizational culture with strategic change
Webinar: Balancing leadership and financial strategy in SMEs
Join this free webinar and discover the dynamic interaction between leadership, strategy, and financial insight
Ina Averhals
5 key questions to build KPIs for innovation reporting
This second article in our series of three on corporate innovation focuses on the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) innovation leaders use to report and communicate their progress. These metrics assess the success and effectiveness of innovation efforts, provide information about achieving the desired goals, help detect problems and encourage behaviors consistent with the company’s drivers. Interviews with 15 innovation leaders from 5 different countries helped define 5 key questions to develop strong innovation KPIs.
Corporate venturing: challenges in measuring return on innovation
With the increase of technological, business and societal disruptions, innovation climbs even higher on corporate to-do lists. With it comes the increasing importance of corporate venturing, which provides as many opportunities as it does challenges. This article is the first in a series of three, and explores the challenges in measuring the return on innovation. Towards the end of the year, all the research will be compiled into a larger report.
The economic cost of climate change in 4 numbers
The Earth's climate is rapidly changing, and its consequences are becoming increasingly visible across the globe. As extreme weather events intensify and temperatures continue to rise, the economic toll of climate change becomes a pressing concern for nations and industries alike. In this blog post, senior researcher Kirsten Vanderplanken delves into four critical numbers that highlight the economic impact of climate change, shedding light on the staggering costs that nations and businesses must grapple with, even if ambitious adaptation measures are taken.
ESG as a crucial factor for attracting the next generation of workers
Are you curious about what can make your company irresistible to the next generation of employees? Well, look no further than ESG! What is ESG, you ask? It stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance factors, and it has become a game-changer in the job market.