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Master Class Strategic reintegration after burnout

Learn how to better align work resumption after burnout with the motivation and needs of the employee.

Why AMS?

The content of this Master Class is based on scientific research. In co-creation with the relevant actors, we have developed a concept that focuses on both individual and organizational growth.

Curriculum & Faculty

In this Master Class, we aim to enhance your understanding of stress, burnout, and reintegration by providing new insights. By building upon your existing knowledge, you will gain valuable skills in utilizing job matching to effectively align an employee's return to work after burnout with their motivation and needs. Additionally, you will discover methods to create a positive and enriching job resumption process for the employer, emphasizing organizational awareness and growth.

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Good research requires good performance: A cooperation between BPACT and AMS

Just this week, BPACT and the Antwerp Management School (AMS) signed a letter of intent stating they will work together more closely in the future. Both parties consider the creation, development and optimal operation of a large-scaled online survey panel as a way of combining meaningful research with scientific depth.

Laying of the foundation stone on the Boogkeerssite

In 2018 Antwerp Management School is moving to the Boogkeerssite at Mechelseplein. On Thursday December 1, the first stone was laid for the new building. The laying of the foundation stone happened through soilmixing by De Smet Group.

AMS practices global mission and conquers China

AMS is making its global mission very explicit. For many years, Antwerp Management School has maintained good relations with China and has also organized many activities there.

Integrated sustainability tool for local government

This study wants to offer local government the necessary tools to build out an organization-wide policy in which sustainability permeates all components and echelons and previously undertaken steps are incorporated in the bigger picture.

As of 1 February 2017: the city centre will become a low emission zone (LEZ)

Soot and fine particles pollute the air and are detrimental to the environment and public health. A large part of this pollution is obviously emitted by cars, which is why the City of Antwerp has decided to exclude the most polluting vehicles from the city as of 1 February 2017. The city centre will become a low emission zone (LEZ). It is the road to a healthier, cleaner future.