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Digital transformation in supply chains

Being able to efficiently and effectively use smart data within your supply chain is becoming increasingly important. A smart use of data can lift your decision-making process to a higher level, both operationally, tactically and strategically. But this will only work when the data at hand is exchanged and integrated within a broader organizational context or network. As today, most data is still used in isolated silos, many organizations fail to leverage the full potential of the data at hand.

Open House info session for professionals

Open House for experienced professionals. We invite you to join us on campus for demo courses and info sessions. It will be an evening of inspiration and networking where you can learn more about our offering, network with faculty, some current students, alumni and like-minded professionals.

Open House info session for professionals

Open House for experienced professionals. We invite you to join us on campus for demo courses and info sessions. It will be an evening of inspiration and networking where you can learn more about our offering, network with faculty, some current students, alumni and like-minded professionals.

Dealing with resistance to change ... and the change manager

Organizational change often evokes resistance. If you don't intervene in time, that resistance to change can even turn into resistance to the change agent. It is therefore crucial for a change manager to pick up the signals quickly: Where and why does emotional resistance arise? How can you detect it, reduce or even avoid it? And how do you maintain the trust of your employees and teams?

(This webinar is in Dutch.)

Sustainable HRM: four strong trends and insights

The job responsibilities of HR managers today look completely different than they did a decade ago. Companies expect you to provide business insights, think proactively about strategy and keep your finger on the pulse of the latest trends. How do you keep up with all that?

(This webinar is in Dutch.)