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Putting strategic thinking into action

As a business leader, you have to tackle unexpected challenges almost on a daily basis. So how can you develop an effective vision in times when existing systems and habits are constantly under pressure? How do you integrate complexity and uncertainty within your strategy? Which factors will lead to success?

Dark sides of learning on the work floor

Lifelong learning is important, but we encounter obstacles or dark sides here, such as high work pressure and stress when pursuing new knowledge and skills. Training often comes 'on top of' and can exacerbate this stress and sometimes lead to stagnation, causing us to no longer stay current.

Helen Shaga

Sofie Smolders

Everyone leader

This is episode 1 of our series "Leadership Talks".
In this episode Christien Van Vaerenberg (Port of Antwerp Bruges) and Koen Vandenbempt (Antwerp Management School) tell how they prepare a new generation of managers in co-creation.
Get inspired by their insights and common language!

This podcast is in Dutch.

One step ahead in the war on talent

This is episode 2 of our series "Leadership talks".
In this episode, Natasja De Haan (Breinstein) and Yuri Bobbert (Antwerp Management School) talk about their development program for young IT professionals in the field of cyber security management.
This gives Breinstein another step ahead in the war on talent.

This podcast is in Dutch.

HR Challenge: Age diversity in the workplace

This event will be held in Dutch - Colleagues from 18 to 67 in the workplace! Is it a luxury or rather a challenge? How do the five different generations compare? Where are the differences and how do you get the best out of each of them? During this HR Challenge, we will reflect on these challenges of today and tomorrow.

Re-integration after burnout

Belgium is heading for half a million long-term sick people. In one in three, mental health problems, including burnout, are the cause. Remarkably, half of the people who had a burnout are afraid of relapse. Not without reason, as one in four of those who return to work effectively relapse. The direct and indirect costs to society, the employer and the individual are therefore high. Where do things go wrong? And how can employers, HR practitioners and consultants address it better?

The topic of this webinar zooms in on this. More specifically on the findings from the training course Re-Set: reintegration after burnout, which contains a complete step-by-step plan to tackle work resumption in a sustainable way. Both for the returning employee, as well as employer and managers. Its knowledge can also be used to prevent burnout.

(This webinar is in Dutch.)

Webinar on strategy and leadership: from choices to success stories

No one can avoid making choices, even not choosing is a choice. One of the key aspects of leadership is the ability to make informed decisions. But how can you do that in an ever-changing, complex and ambiguous business context?

In this webinar, you will learn why making choices is so important for successful strategic management and how cognitive neuropsychology can assist you in this. Prof. Geert Scheipers and Prof. Steven Poelmans will explain all about the various types of strategic choices, when you should or should not make decisions, and how cognitive (neuro)psychology can help you do so.