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Barbra van den Meerendonk

Webinar: Dealing with resistance to change … and to the change manager

This webinar will be held in dutch. Organizational change often comes with resistance. If you don’t intervene, resistance to change may eventually turn into resistance to the change manager.

Webinar: Is AI the supply chain planner of the future?

Decision-making in supply chain & logistics is a high-stakes game. Many AI developers dream of creating a world where all data is processed by advanced algorithms. A world without human planners, since “people can only add error”, dixit McKinsey (2018). But is this really the case? Shouldn’t we be aiming at leveraging the benefits of AI with people’s knowledge and nuance? Aren’t there cases where people are predictably better than purely data-driven models?

Webinar: Beyond the buzzword: efficient and participatory organizational design

Organizational structures often grow organically: depending on the needs, new teams are being formed, extra managers appointed, processes implemented, and so on. Things may go well for a while, until you start noticing that the pieces of the puzzle no longer fit. This webinar will be held in Dutch.

Webinar: Inspiring leadership: from charisma to impact

How do you inspire people to work together toward a common goal? No worries, you don't have to be a charismatic hero to do it (unless that's your style, of course). Anyone can take up leadership, as long as you do it from your own story. this webinar will be held in Dutch.

Webinar: Learn to dance with finance: make the numbers work

The best things in life can’t be quantified. But when it comes to business decisions, you dó need quantifying. That’s the power of finance: by bringing together the right data, you can make underpinned decisions for your organization. And yet, professionals with a non-economic or a non-financial background often find finance to be highly complex. Still, you don’t have to be an expert to get started with finance. This webinar will be held in Dutch.

Webinar: Be relevant for your customer: successful innovation through design thinking

“We’ve been in this business for years, by now we know what the customer wants.” A common statement that is both true and false: you do gain knowledge through experience, but at the same time you and your organization are at risk of getting stuck in (preliminary) success. To seize all opportunities, it is key to know the underlying needs of your customers and to use this knowledge to keep innovating. This webinar will be held in Dutch.

Webinar: Sustainable HRM: 4 strong trends and insights

Over the past 10 years, the range of duties of an HR manager has changed considerably. Companies now expect HR managers to provide business insights, think proactively about strategy and keep up with the latest trends. How on earth can anyone live up to those expectations? This webinar will be held in Dutch.

Webinar: Strategy & Leadership - from choices to success stories

No one can avoid making choices, even not choosing is a choice. One of the key aspects of leadership is the ability to make informed decisions. But how can you do that in an ever-changing, complex and ambiguous business context?