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Preventing sick leave, burnout and psychosocial distress in the workplace: what does work?

Over the past decades, the focus on mental well-being in the workplace has been growing slowly but steadily. After the acceleration that covid brought on, and with the tight labor market in mind, more and more organizations are launching initiatives to give their employees a mental boost. Unfortunately, they are usually organized from a (well-meaning) gut feeling, rather than opting for avenues with scientifically proven effect.

AMS EMBA launches new partnership

On Tuesday, December 20th our Dean, Prof. dr. Steven De Haes, and the Rector of Almaty Management University, Prof. dr. Gulnura Kurenkeyeva, signed an agreement for the launch of a new international Executive MBA in Kazakhstan.

Dutch classes

Would you like to master the basics of Dutch during your year at AMS? Then our "Dutch class on campus" is the perfect place to start! This tailor-made class, organized by Linguapolis, is designed to help you learn the basics of the language in just 61,5 hours.

Connected River

Connected River aims to boost capacities of multi-stakeholder ecosystems to deliver services that guarantee safety, accessibility and liveability of shared waterways and waterfronts in the North Sea Region (NSR).

Dennis Vink

4 mechanisms that play a role in absenteeism

Absenteeism is defined as a "failure to show up for scheduled work" (Johns, 1997). Whether involuntary or voluntary, legitimized or not, white or black or grey… Many researchers don't make the difference. The line is often thin, and as a manager or HR professional, you will rarely know for sure. That is why it is important to always keep a dual focus: a focus on health promotion and illness prevention (~involuntary absence) and a focus on employee motivation and mindset (~voluntary absence) (Lokke, 2022).

Image credit: Total Shape