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Argenta and Antwerp Management School expand collaboration - “We want to create positive impact together”

Antwerp Management School (AMS), one of the country’s leading business schools, and Argenta, the fifth largest banking institution in Belgium, are expanding their partnership for the next three years. Going forward, Argenta will be part of the AMS corporate membership network, which currently represents a 25-strong network of companies, with dialogue and exchange of expertise as driving factors. Through learning networks, targeted networking events and a continuous deepening of knowledge and research, the members aim to create positive impact together.

Pieterjan Van Biesen

Alumni Connect - exclusive event for alumni

Join us on Thursday, December 8th, for the first edition of our Alumni Connect event: an evening all about creating meaningful connections. It does not matter if you already know someone or not. Alumni Connect will help all graduates, old and new, connect, through organized activities and a relaxing networking drink thereafter.

International Alumni Networking Apero:

Share your experiences & inspire our international students by at attending the International Alumni apero event.

Financial Times puts AMS Executive MBA as number 1 in Benelux

Taking 56th place, Antwerp Management School (AMS) successfully maintains its leading position for the Benelux in the Financial Times Executive MBA ranking of 2022. With excellent scores on quality criteria on the Work Experience, ESG, International Experience and Salary Increase, AMS is further establishing itself in the Benelux as the number 1 business school in the field of EMBA programs.

Disturbing geopolitical conflict impacting AMS community

As a business school with its mission and core values centered around global citizenship, critical reflection and positive impact, we are witnessing with deep sadness the Russian-Ukraine conflict. Our thoughts are with all our students, alumni, colleagues, friends and partners who are impacted by the highly disturbing geopolitical situation.

1 in 3 employees has “career regrets”

What makes employees happy when working? A question that many employers bear in mind against the background of the current ‘war for talent’ and the shortage of skilled employees. A study of AMS, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and House of HR shows that, on average, employees rate their career satisfaction 7.4 out of 10. Nonetheless, 20% of employees are not happy with their career. It's about time then for more equal opportunities and more realistic professional prospects.

Managing relationships with C-level executives as an innovation leader

This third article in our series of three on corporate innovation focuses on the challenge of developing strong relationships with C-level executives, when measuring and reporting innovation progress. Interviews with 15 innovation leaders from 5 different countries helped define 5 key practices to engage CEOs, CMOs and CFOs in the innovation journey.