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HR in 2030: Invest in a culture of 'continuous listening'

In 2030, what will our jobs look like? What skills will be "hot"? How will employees and employers engage with each other? What do we see a leader doing? How do team members connect? And what about 'employee experience'? How do people build their careers sustainably in 2030? Are we evolving toward more flex workers?

These and other questions were presented to us by our knowledge partner Janssen Pharmaceutica as part of a strategic talent exercise 2030. Based on our current insights and storylines, we set to work on a future forecast. This resulted in five concrete innovation slopes, based on 5 central themes within our Competence Center 'Next Generation Work'.

Global logistics integration: “I want it all and I want it now” by professor Theo Notteboom

Our Master in Maritime and Air Transport Management: Get Together is on September 30th! Join us for the chance to see familiar faces, listen to an inspiring keynote and enjoy a networking drink if you join us at AMS!

Organisaties in vuur en vlam: Anticiperen op de toekomst op basis van vier jaar onderzoek met BZA

In 2018, Brandweer Zone Antwerpen (BZA) and Antwerp Management School (AMS) joined forces to look ahead together to the firefighters of tomorrow.

Open Admissions Day - EMBA 2022-2024

October is just around the corner. Are you still considering to join the Executive MBA Program starting on October 26th, 2022?

We're holding a fast-tracked on-campus Admissions Test Day on Saturday, August 27th as of 9:00 am, and all applicants are invited to attend.

Submit your Executive MBA application and join us on campus!

DAKkan Festival - Suave Rooftop Sessions

DAKkan is a three-day cultural festival on the rooftops of Antwerp.

The DAKkan festival brings DJ sets, street food, lifestyle markets, music shows theater and many other activities to the rooftops of Antwerp. Antwerp Management School is one of those roofs. On our roof terrace we will host the Suave Rooftop Sessions with a silent disco.

Dear employer, are you a “Quiet Dismisser”?

Doing the minimum at work: it is a trend. For employers, it is a signal that they should take a more critical look at their policy, says AMS Professor Ans De Vos. Below you will find her open letter to employers, which appeared as an opinion piece in the newspaper De Standaard.

HR in 2030: Let leaders primarily create 'holding spaces'

In 2030, what will our jobs look like? What skills will be "hot"? How will employees and employers engage with each other? What will leaders do? How do team members connect? And what about 'employee experience'? How do people build their careers sustainably in 2030? Are we evolving toward more flex workers?

Our knowledge partner Janssen Pharmaceutica presented these questions and many others to us as part of a strategic talent exercise 2030. Based on our current insights and storylines, we started working on a future forecast. This resulted in five concrete innovation slopes, based on 5 central themes within our Competence Center 'Next Generation Work'.

Innovative Labor Organization is not a matter of cosmetics

Through this webinar you will be introduced to Antwerp Management School's master class Organization (re)design with Innovative Labour Organization (ILO). ILO is not a matter of cosmetics: quick fixes and done. It is a fundamental story: once you get into the methodology, there is no turning back.
But what exactly is behind the term Innovative Labour Organization and why should your company/organization adopt it? The answer is simple: because a well-developed ILO policy drastically improves the efficiency and sustainability of your company and the quality of your employees' jobs.

(This webinar is in Dutch.)

HR in 2030: Encourage curiosity

In 2030, what will our jobs look like? Which competencies will be "hot"? How will employees and employers engage with each other? What do we see a leader doing? How do team members connect? And what about 'employee experience'? How do people build their careers sustainably in 2030? Are we evolving toward more flex workers?

We were asked these and other questions by our knowledge partner Janssen Pharmaceutica as part of a strategic talent exercise 2030. Based on our current insights and storylines, we set to work on a future forecast. The result is five concrete innovation slopes, based on 5 central themes within our Competence Center 'Next Generation Work'.

"It is through the work we do every day that we work on our careers."

HR in 2030: Open view of talent

In 2030, what will our jobs look like? What competencies will be "hot"? How will employees and employers engage with each other? What do we see a leader doing? How do team members connect? And what about 'employee experience'? How do people build their careers sustainably in 2030? Are we evolving toward more flex workers?

These and other questions were posed to us by our knowledge partner Janssen Pharmaceutica as part of a 2030 strategic talent exercise. Based on our current insights and storylines, we set to work on a future forecast. The result is five concrete innovation slopes, based on 5 central themes within our Competence Center 'Next Generation Work'. Talent is one of these themes.