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How to build a sustainable career

In essence, a career is the pattern of work-related experiences a person has during his professional life. It is a complex mosaic of objective situations and events and their subjective interpretations. In short, the work we do every day and how that makes us feel. This turns a career into an individual and highly complex matter.

Resilience of Maritime & Air Supply Chains in Times of Disruption

For the first time in the history of the Master of Maritime and Air transport Management program, formerly known as ITMMA and C–MAT, we are proud to create an exclusive alumni community there to support each other by organizing lifelong learning, networking and career activities. We hope to welcome many of you to join our events and activities and support this important initiative for the benefit of our community.

AMS HR Challenge: Diversiteit en inclusie

Diversiteit en inclusie zijn brandend actuele onderwerpen voor elke HR-professional. Het is een menselijk en waardengevoelig thema dat ook het imago van de organisatie en de efficiëntie van de werking beïnvloedt. Het is de uitdaging voor elke HR-professional om de basisprincipes te vertalen naar een duurzame, werkbare en aanvaardbare praktijk.

Op deze HR Challenge buigt u zich mee over de praktische consequenties, over de mogelijkheden en hindernissen bij de integratie van verschillen in seksuele geaardheid, geloof of levensbeschouwing, ras, handicap, leeftijd, enz…

Master HRM Alumni Online Speeddating Evening

Are you interested in sharing your career insights with current MHRM students? Then join us for the online Master HRM Alumni Speeddating Evening!

Tanée Lauwers

Barbara Van Dyck

Luc Van Liedekerke, PhD

Guido Kestens (1940 – 2021)

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Guido Kestens, Honorary Chairman of the Alumni Association of Antwerp Management School and AMS EMBA Alumnus (formerly known as PPB).

Give the public sector the leadership it deserves

"Two feet on the ground, getting people moving. Not waiting for the mandate. Daring to look in the mirror every day. Not the leadership but the effect."

These are some testimonies about leadership from the participants of the AMS Masterclass Leadership for the public and social profit sector. Throughout the course, they took the step from "socialized" to "self-authoring": from using social leadership benchmarks to developing their own definition about what is needed and appropriate. A crucial step toward the leaders the public sector needs to properly address today's many challenges.

A. Rahim Massoud