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AMS Alumni Chapter on SDG Leadership - Pre-launch Event

We are pleased to invite you to the pre-launch event of the new AMS Alumni Chapter on SDG Leadership (ACSL) which will take place on June 22nd at 8 PM. During this event, the plans for this new Alumni Chapter will be introduced and alumni will be invited to contribute to these plans

Strategic and human challenges to boosting digital maturity

Which elements play a role in sustainably scaling up digital products and services? Which barriers hinder the realization of promised (efficiency) gains? How do frontrunners cope with these challenges and how you can apply this knowledge to your own digital transformation journey?

Antwerp Management School achieves level of Transforming School in the Positive Impact Rating Edition 2021

Antwerp Management School (AMS) was recognized for its social impact and sustainability achievements when the Positive Impact Rating (PIR) results were launched today at the UN PRME Global Forum. AMS was one of the business schools from 21 countries worldwide that took part in the rating this year and achieved Level 4, making it a Transforming School within the PIR.

From coffee machine chitchats to avatars and back again

Hybrid work is becoming the new normal. Technology has a role to play, but how well can it keep us connected in a world of physical distance?

Veerle Limbos

The multigenerational workplace: a golden opportunity?

Population aging is one of society’s most profound demographic changes. It also has a major impact on the workplace: the percentage of older workers is increasing and the mix of young and old is broader than ever. How can we make the most of this shift in age demographics in the workplace? And how do we keep workers employable throughout their long career? This is the challenge we have been addressing for the past ten years, together with SD Worx.

Dieter Vercammen