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Plastic fantastic? How Antwerp is cooperating to keep plastics out of the river Scheldt

During our launch-event and based on the SDG6 (Clean water & sanitation), SDG14 (Life below water), SDG 17 (Partnerships for the goals), we will explore how Antwerp is cooperating to keep plastics out of the River Scheldt by giving a short overview of the problem of global plastic pollution as well as a scientifically grounded approach to systematically reduce i

Overheid of Overhead 5.0: De geest terug in de fles

Dutch event.
After the turbulent past year and a half, it is once again time for a congress from the "Overheid of Overhead" series of our PuMA alumni group.

The theme under the title 'The genie back in the bottle' revolves around how to get back to work after corona. How do we continue to build on the networks that came under pressure during the crisis and how do we breathe new life into our own organizational culture?

Online boekvoorstelling: Alles is onder controle!

Dutch event: What crucial decisions can you make now to prepare your organization for the next crisis?

We need (more) flexible careers

Due to the unpredictable and rapidly changing context, a flexible labor market is more important today than ever. For example, the corona crisis has shown that flexibility was needed to keep employees employed and organizations running. Our employer surveys show that in just about one in five organizations, employees were hired in other departments.

Fashion of the future, Pitch Event

You are invited to join our Fashion of the Future Pitch Event for Responsible Fashion, part of the Responsible Fashion Series which will take place on 21 October 2021 at Antwerp Management School. 

10 Years of Creating Sustainable Careers

We are beyond excited to invite you to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the SD Worx Chair “Next Generation Work: Creating Sustainable Careers” on May 10th, from 4:30 pm till 6:30 pm.

AMS Executive MBA is number 1 in the Benelux

AMS is the only Belgian business school in the top 100!
The Financial Times has just published its Executive MBA Ranking 2021. Antwerp Management School already did well in previous years but has really surpassed itself this time: the AMS Executive MBA has moved up 10 places and is now number 45 worldwide. This makes AMS the number 1 in the Benelux. It is also the highest ranking ever achieved by a Belgian business school.

How to build a sustainable career

In essence, a career is the pattern of work-related experiences a person has during his professional life. It is a complex mosaic of objective situations and events and their subjective interpretations. In short, the work we do every day and how that makes us feel. This turns a career into an individual and highly complex matter.

Resilience of Maritime & Air Supply Chains in Times of Disruption

For the first time in the history of the Master of Maritime and Air transport Management program, formerly known as ITMMA and C–MAT, we are proud to create an exclusive alumni community there to support each other by organizing lifelong learning, networking and career activities. We hope to welcome many of you to join our events and activities and support this important initiative for the benefit of our community.