About 1774 results
AMS and NSX working together toward future proof digital transformation
Developing and disseminating top-notch knowledge and positively impacting organizations and society. That is what AMS and NSX are all about. AMS realizes this ambition through management education underpinned by state-of-the-art research. NSX, a UAntwerp spin-off, does so through research into, and valorization of, the innovative Normalized Systems technology. Both organizations are committed to step up their cooperation in the fields of Business & IT and digital transformation. A win-win for both parties and especially for the industry.
Kirsten Vanderplanken, PhD
MIM 30 Years - Surprise Scavenger Hunt
30 jaar Master in Management! Tijd om opnieuw Antwerpen en AMS te verkennen tijdens een leuke en verrassende zoektocht, samen met oud-studiegenoten, op zaterdag 12 juni 2021.
The only way forward is going circular
In 2019 over 750 global experts and decision-makers were asked to rank their biggest concerns in terms of likelihood and impact. For the first time in the annual Global Risks Report, published in January 2020, the top five global risks in terms of likelihood are all environmental. All the more reason for going circular.
(R)evolutionize your Business & Empower Yourself
After the first World War, we had the “Roaring Twenties” and the “Great Depression”. Many believe that we’re heading for a new “roaring” decade. Will this period of prosperity in the 21st century be sustainable and beneficial to all of society?
Please join us on Friday May 28th for a panel conversation with inspiring ESSCA Faculty, EPHD and EMBA alumni. We will discuss how business can save the world, how consumer behavior is shifting and how you can empower yourself.
Strategic Approaches to Digital Platform Security Assurance
Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine a business without technology. Most industries are becoming "smarter" and more tech-driven. We live in the era of the "platform society." For example, Coursera has become the world's most prominent online educator, collaborating with over 200 leading universities and companies. Platforms are becoming increasingly powerful and concentrate on collecting more and more data to cross- or upsell services. Ranging from small individual tech initiatives to complete business models with intertwined supply chains and "Platform" based business models. New ways of working, such as Agile and DevOps, are introduced, leading to opportunities and unknown risks.
Innovations in workplace & organizational design: is the honeymoon phase abruptly coming to an end?
More and more companies are shutting down offices and allowing their employees to work from home. Hybrid work, or the combination of working from home, at the office or at a third location, is definitely on the rise. Ten years ago, hybrid work would have been unthinkable. In 2010, 15% of Belgian employees worked from home. Today, this is no less than 35%.
At the same time, more and more organizations are looking for new ways to respond more flexibly to customer and environmental needs. The classic, rather closed and bureaucratic hierarchy is giving way to a more open and dynamic organizational design. Innovative labor organization, self-management, network organization are all different names for the same movement.
Annebeth Bels, PhD
AMS Alumni Chapter on SDG Leadership - Pre-launch Event
We are pleased to invite you to the pre-launch event of the new AMS Alumni Chapter on SDG Leadership (ACSL) which will take place on June 22nd at 8 PM. During this event, the plans for this new Alumni Chapter will be introduced and alumni will be invited to contribute to these plans
Strategic and human challenges to boosting digital maturity
Which elements play a role in sustainably scaling up digital products and services? Which barriers hinder the realization of promised (efficiency) gains? How do frontrunners cope with these challenges and how you can apply this knowledge to your own digital transformation journey?