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Michael Dickmann, PhD

Riet Coenen

Recalibrate your reality: TED X AMS organized by AMS students

Join AMS students for the very first independently organized TEDxAMS event to recalibrate your reality. The event will be broadcast online on February 8, 2021. Our students invite you to explore with us how to recalibrate your reality, how to be more resilient, and how to thrive in a world that keeps on moving forward faster and faster.

Strategic Innovation: How to Develop New Business Models

Join us on February 16th for the second webinar of our executive Electives Series: Strategic Innovation: How to Develop New Business Models. 
n this session Professor Jamie Anderson will introduce his award winning case study about Dollar Shave Club, an innovator that has disrupted brands such as Gillette and Wilkinson Sword in the established razor industry.

Shirley Kempeneer, PhD

Employees no longer get by with "traditional" competencies. So, how do they manage?

There is a lot going on in the literature around 21st century skills. Rightfully so, because in our VUCA world, diplomas are expiring faster and faster. Employees can no longer manage with 'traditional' competencies. For example, now they also need to be problem solvers and cope with change. COVID-19 has only sharpened the need for such competencies for the future.

5 more years of high quality accreditation for the Faculty of Business and Economics of UAntwerp and AMS

We are so proud to announce that both Antwerp Management School and the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Antwerp extend their business accreditation by AACSB International for another 5 years.

PRME Education Academy Seminar Series (Session 1)

The PRME Education Academy Seminar Series offers cutting-edge scholarly and practitioner insights from a diversity of perspectives on Responsible Management Education. Participants are encouraged to actively challenge the speakers and take a provocative stance towards their ideas and contentions.

Frans Melissen, PhD