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Which of these 4 CISO archetypes do you deserve and match with?

Why do CISOs have such a low retention in firms and leave after 1-2 years? Is this because recruiters and HR professionals find it hard to discover what is actually needed and “copy paste” function profiles with the exact same requirements, rather than looking at the real need in the organization: M&A strategy, family business, scale-up phase, consolidation, preparing for sales of the company, cultural differences etc.? The CISO role is an embryonic role compared to the CFO, and not one hundred percent clear about exact expectations.

A sustainable DNA with Janssen Pharmaceutica

This is episode 3 of the series 'Unexpected Activists'.
"The most important thing is that sustainability is embedded in one of the business strategies. That is a must," Jan Van der Goten (Janssen Pharmaceutica).

Curious about what else Jan has to say? Then be sure to listen to our podcast Unexpected Activists.

Enter Unexpected Activists!
This podcast is in Dutch.

De impact van COVID-19 op het menselijk kapitaal van onze organisaties - 3

Tijdens dit 3e webinar in de reeks 'De impact van COVID-19 op het menselijk kapitaal in onze organisaties' kijken we opnieuw naar enkele kernthema’s betreffende human capital in uw organisatie.

Hoe omgaan met de paradoxen van leiderschap wanneer je niet alles onder controle hebt?

In opvolging van de boekpresentatie* van Prof. Steven Poelmans, nodigen Wombat & Antwerp Management School jullie graag uit voor een gezamenlijke presentatie rond deze observaties, ingeleid door professor Poelmans. De voorbeelden en presentatie slaan hoofdzakelijk op Belgische bedrijven en instellingen.

Prof. Ann Verhetsel becomes new Academic Director of the Master Real Estate (MRE)

Prof. Ann Verhetsel becomes the new Academic Director of the Master Real Estate (MRE) program at Antwerp Management School (AMS).