About 1751 results
Bruno De Borger
Evy Onghena, PhD
Digital risks to business, what do they cost?
Analyzing Business Information Security for a data breach use case;
In a digital business world that is highly distributed via an eco-system, ensuring your digital assurance becomes vital. Everything needs to work continuously and Confidentiality, Integrity and Auditability have to be assured, especially when your business is regulated and should demonstrate to be “in control”. Nevertheless, how do we do that when business models can be attacked by hackers? Hackers using heavily automated attack methods and work in a distributed evasive platform-model that disguises their identity and criminal organization. Therefore, hackers form a threat to your business. Varying from State sponsored hackers to scriptkiddies all finding sophisticated ways to hammer on your front porch of your business. To you an IP address means your API store or critical business process; for a hacker it is just an IP number attack, they don't care and don't know the impact.