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Financiering collectieve woonprojecten
For the fifth edition of the MRE Disruptive webinars, the topic Financiering collectieve woonprojecten will be addressed. This session will be held in Dutch. Bertrand Van Regemortel, Senior Investment Manager in the Real Estate team of PMV (Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen), will be your keynote speaker. Join this online session on May 25, 2021.
Ton de Kok
Zumbul Atan
Freek Aertsen
Manu Matthyssens
Launch of the Belgian Alliance for Climate Action
The Shift and WWF-Belgium announced on October 12th the launch of a unique Belgian climate alliance. They invite all Belgian organizations that want to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and increase their climate ambitions to join this initiative in Belgium. Antwerp Management School, along with 52 other organizations, has already joined the alliance and committed itself to aligning its activities with the objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement: keeping global warming below 2°C and making efforts to limit it to 1.5°C.
Inaugural speech Chair in Management Education for Sustainability
You are kindly invited to attend the inauguration of prof.dr. Lars Moratis and prof.dr.ir. Frans Melissen. Through this inauguration, they will accept their position as joint holders of the Chair in Management Education for Sustainability.
The inauguration will be held on December 15th from 15.00h to 16.00h and will take place fully online. As a world’s first, Lars’ and Frans’ inaugural speech will be fashioned as an inaugural movie that will provide a visual representation of the main ideas that the Chair will develop in the coming years.
Virtual eMBA Peer Coaching Café
Did you know that the AMS eMBA is number one in Belgium? And to celebrate this tremendous achievement, we hope that you join our upcoming Virtual eMBA Peer Coaching Café on 19 November. Make sure to register on time and receive a package at home.
SDG awareness in Belgium continues to rise
This new 2020 SDG Barometer report outlines the sustainability landscape at a national level with insights about organizations’ engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).