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From anger to pride, a transformation in health care

Labor sociologist, HR expert and professor at Antwerp Management School Peggy De Prins clearly indicates the change that is taking place in healthcare, in an interview to Zorgnet. How the current crisis has increased the importance of the healthcare sector and how we can transform the initial anger into pride.

Going shopping for citizen services with your government platform app?

As a student of the Executive Master in IT Governance and Assurance (aka MITGA), I graduated in June 2020 with a subject that matters to us all: how to find and select the right citizen services from the government to help us? And more importantly, how can governments apply digital technology to their services to facilitate the use of it by citizens? In this blog I would like to give a summary of my research and share my findings with you.

Kasplanning in onzekere tijden

Gratis online kennismaking met kasplanning en hoe dit succesvol uit te rollen in uw organisatie.

Managing strategy in uncertain times

Free online seminar on business strategy and leadership in times of ambiguity

Protection and safety at work with Mensura

This is episode 2 of the series 'Unexpected Activists'.

Are we past the era of taboo around burnout or is there still discord and alienation surrounding this topic? Are we talking about a problem in an individual or a shared responsibility? These are interesting questions for a sustainable entrepreneur. Our Unexpected Activist Gretel Schrijvers, CEO Mensura Group, lays out her expertise. Listen to the podcast and get inspired to give well-being a valued place in your business.

This podcast is in Dutch.

Diversity in the workplace with PwC

This is episode 1 of the Unexpected Activists series.
Bringing entrepreneurs together is always great, but it becomes a little more special when sustainability forms common values.

Corporate venturing is a sustainable way to form partnerships. "When you talk about making strides in technology, zero waste, all those things, of course tools and technology are very important there. But a collaboration with other organizations, or start-ups, can accelerate processes and deliver great results very quickly," said our Unexpected Activist Griet Helsen, partner and Clients and markets leader at PwC Belgium.

Enter Unexpected Activists!

This podcast is in Dutch.

Master Class Global Supply Chain & Logistics

During this master class you dive into the most important steps within the supply chain. Experienced lecturers and experts from both the academic and business world will provide you with new insights that will lift the efficiency and profitability your organization's supply chain.

Rosário Macário, PhD