About 1773 results
Mutual authenticity
With this podcast, consisting of 4 episodes, we pay tribute to sustainable HR consulting. Each time, 1 'must have' will take center stage. Our goal? To inspire students, professionals and clients and provide insights that will help them build sustainable partnership relationships.
If you acknowledge the four must haves from our podcasts and apply them in practice, it becomes clear that HR consultancy is an honorable métier with a lot of added value for the client and the business and also a métier in which you can work with a lot of HR passion and satisfaction.
Central question: when and why does HR consulting work in practice? And what makes HR consultancy an honorable profession?
This is episode 4 of the series 'Ode aan de HR consultant'.
(This podcast is in Dutch)
True competence
With this podcast, consisting of 4 episodes, we pay tribute to sustainable HR consulting. Each time, 1 'must have' will take center stage. Our goal? To inspire students, professionals and clients and provide insights that will help them build sustainable partnership relationships.
If you acknowledge the four must haves from our podcasts and apply them in practice, it becomes clear that HR consultancy is an honorable métier with a lot of added value for the client and the business and also a métier in which you can work with a lot of HR passion and satisfaction.
Central question: when and why does HR consulting work in practice? And what makes HR consultancy an honorable profession?
This is episode 3 of the series 'Ode aan de HR consultant'.
This podcast is in Dutch.
Positive limitation
With this podcast, consisting of 4 episodes, we pay tribute to sustainable HR consulting. Each time, 1 'must have' will take center stage. Our goal? To inspire students, professionals and clients and provide insights that will help them build sustainable partnership relationships.
If you acknowledge the four must haves from our podcasts and apply them in practice, it becomes clear that HR consultancy is an honorable métier with a lot of added value for the client and the business and also a métier in which you can work with a lot of HR passion and satisfaction.
Central question: when and why does HR consulting work in practice? What makes HR consultancy an honorable profession?
This is episode 2 of the series 'Ode aan de HR consultant'.
This podcast is in Dutch.
Critical friendship
With this podcast, consisting of 4 episodes, we pay tribute to sustainable HR consulting. Each time, 1 'must have' will take center stage. Our goal? To inspire students, professionals and clients and provide insights that will help them build sustainable partnership relationships.
If you acknowledge the four must haves from our podcasts and apply them in practice, it becomes clear that HR consultancy is an honorable métier with a lot of added value for the client and the business and also a métier in which you can work with a lot of HR passion and satisfaction.
Central question: when and why does HR consulting work in practice? What makes HR consultancy an honorable profession?
This is episode 1 of the series 'Ode aan de HR consultant'.
This podcast is in Dutch.
Is flexible working something for your organization? Take the test!
Flexible work is a broad term. You are not bound to fixed hours or to the same location, ideally the work environment supports you in this. In this blog we describe what is meant by flexible work: what are possible benefits? How can we introduce or expand the policy on flexible work in our organization? At the end of this blog you can do the test with the flexible work scan: how does your organization score on flexible working? Get personalized advice based on your answers!
Smart Shipping Ecosystem Audit (Port of Antwerp)
Study of the ecosystem conditions for the market growth for smart shipping applications.
AMS Chair in Sustainable Transformation to continue for another three years
In 2017, with the support of BASF Antwerp, Port of Antwerp and Randstad Belgium, AMS launched the very first Chair in Sustainable Transformation worldwide. Dr. Wayne Visser, international expert in sustainability, was appointed as chairholder. In 2020 the partnership can look back on a fruitful cooperation. So much so, that they have decided to join forces for another three years, in order to further promote sustainable transformation by awareness raising, research and co-creation.
Future roles in information security
We want to feel safe in this brave (and scary) new world we’re creating of machines, robots and artificial intelligence. Technological & political trends will definitely influence our profession. This new world will call for new jobs with new skillsets that address the future challenges ahead. Not only the role of CEO and CFO will change due to tech dominance in business also the role of the security officers and risk and security leaders will change. Zukin et all (2018) state “A broader skillset, including communication, change management, and leadership, is required in order to respond quickly and collaboratively to evolving cyber threats” (1)