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Surviving the emotional rollercoaster called entrepreneurship

When you ask entrepreneurs how they experienced their entrepreneurial journey, many of them would describe it as a rollercoaster.
A recently published study on the lead founders of 183 Flemish technology start-ups* by professors Robin De Cock (Antwerp Management School), Lien Denoo (Tilburg University) and Bart Clarysse (ETH Zürich) is one of the first studies to give insights into how entrepreneurs can deal with this emotional rollercoaster and increase their chances of surviving the difficult, bumpy road towards initial viability and subsequent growth.

Eline Van Poucke, PhD

Integrated value (Johnson & Johnson Benelux)

The Sustainable Transformation Lab will develop and deliver a bilateral research project that will support the understanding of and progress toward sustainable transformation at J&J.

Global best practices for sustainability (WZF)

Research on global best practices in sustainability in the pet industry.

Jeroen Martens

‘In case of emergency’: how smart are smart buildings?

Smart cities, smart mobility: everything seems to be smart nowadays. Our buildings too are stacked with sensors that continuously generate data. Smart building is the way to go, although no one knows exactly how smart smart buildings are. Michaël Peeters helps us to uncover the real value of smart buildings in his doctoral thesis. In order to do so, 75 students of AP University College Antwerp were dropped today in a vacant student dorm and had to find their way out of varying simulated fire situations. The million-dollar question: can smart buildings save lives?