About 1767 results
E. Van de Voorde
Eddy Laveren, PhD
Carole Thielens
First Belgian Corporate Venturing Barometer 2019
Together with PwC, Antwerp Management School mapped out to what extent established companies and start-ups in Belgium work together and what plans they have for the future in that respect. This resulted in the very first Belgian Corporate Venturing Barometer 2019.
Luciano Paiman
Luc Wauters
Inauguration Melexis and Antwerp Management School Chair
Scientists are already able to hack human beings thanks to the rapid evolutions in biotechnology, AI, neurosciences etc. At the same time, stress is the number one cause of long-term sickness absence. It’s high time we put scientific and technological progress at the service of well-being and health at work. Melexis and Antwerp Management School have already found each other in a groundbreaking Chair that uses technology and insights from neuroscience to strengthen organizations and people.