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Sustainable Transformation
Sustainable Transformation Groups

Sustainable Transformation

Sustainable Transformation Groups

The AMS Sustainable Transformation Groups (STG) are action-oriented, peer-to-peer and cross-sector learning networks that provide a safe environment for member companies to share their challenges, best practices and lessons learned. The STGs are composed of high-level business people with CEO-level commitment who look at present-day issues in our global society, discuss how to address them and take action to help creating a better tomorrow.

The STG members jointly decide on the agenda-setting and the actions that the group will undertake. Holder of the Chair on Sustainable Transformation, Prof. Dr. Wayne Visser, and Researcher Rozanne Henzen will facilitate the groups, providing insights, input and trend detection through applied research.

Our focus domains

The circular economy

This Sustainable Transformation Group supports the counterforce of sustainable innovation by focusing on advancements such as expenditures and investments that decouple economic growth from environmental impact through initiatives such as waste recycling, biodegradable materials and renewable energy.

The Circular Economy Commitment

Does your organization want to work on solutions to live within the limits of the planet by designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use and regenerating natural systems? Do you want to show your stakeholders that you are working toward a more sustainable production and consumption? Then signing the Circular Economy Commitment is just the thing for you!

The Circular Economy Commitment is developed by progressive companies of the AMS Sustainable Transformation Group on Circular Economy and will be officially launched on March 24, 2021.

The well-being economy

This Sustainable Transformation Group supports the counterforce of satisfying innovation by focusing on advancements such as expenditures and investments that increase human health and happiness in society, from stress relief practices and life coaching to plant-based diets and solutions to social diseases (e.g. suicide or domestic violence). As we become more conscious of the health impacts of lifestyle, consumerism, diet and pollution, the well-being economy is set to grow rapidly.

The Good Work Goals

Does your organization want to work on solutions to create work environments that value quality of life, happiness, and other indicators of well-being? Do you want to demonstrate to your employees and other stakeholders that your people really are your most valued resources? Then signing the Good Work Goals is just the thing for you!

The Good Work Goals are developed by progressive companies in the AMS Sustainable Transformation Group on Well-being and will be officially launched on March 24, 2021.

Commit to creating a more sustainable post-coronavirus world

A crisis like COVID-19 has serious implications for business – most notably for employee health and well-being. How a company responds to these and related challenges strongly reflects its values and commitment to social and environmental responsibility. At the same time, the economic shutdown has increased public and consumer awareness of the benefits to nature of lower impacts of production. Ensuring security of needed materials and resources is one of the main benefits of moving from a linear to a circular business model. We would like to invite you to join us in signing the Circular Economy Commitment and / or the Good Work Goals and commit to creating a more sustainable post-coronavirus world.

Our vision and unique positioning

Our vision is to be the best learning & action network in Belgium (and beyond) for companies striving to advance the circular or well-being economy. To differentiate from other initiatives and groups on the circular and well-being economy, our STGs focus on the following areas of value creation:

  1. Building the leading coalition of organizations in Belgium that are committed to the circular economy, based on our network of CE Commitment Signatories; and to the well-being economy, based on our network of Good Work Goals Signatories.
  2. Supporting these organizations (the Signatories) to take action and continuously improve by giving them access to our learning network.
  3. Holding Signatories accountable by having annual reporting requirements and creating opportunities for peer-to-peer sharing.
  4. Being open to other future joint actions by the Signatories to increase our impact, provided this is approved by the Group (members) and supported by available resources.

Interested? Join us!

Contact us for any information about the Sustainable Transformation Groups, the Circular Economy Commitment, or the Good Work Goals.

Manager: Rozanne Henzen, rozanne.henzen@ams.ac.be

Chair: Prof. Dr Wayne Visser, wayne.visser@ams.ac.be


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