Sustainable Transformation
Integrated value and sustainable transformation (DOMO Chemicals)
This partnership focuses on enabling DOMO to kick start its sustainable transformation journey by using the IV methodology, which will align the company’s strategy and operations with changing societal trends and expectations.
The first level of achieving integrated value is having an awareness of its antithesis, i.e. value disintegration.
From a systems science perspective, fragmentation leads to breakdown, while integration leads to breakthrough, i.e. higher levels of order, complexity and functionality. Integration is the antidote, or counterforce, to fragmentation in our social, economic and ecological systems.
If we look at our global system, there are at least five areas of major systemic breakdown, the five forces of fragmentation.
They are disruption (natural, health, economic and industrial crises), disconnection (the digital divide and technology transfer failure), disparity (income inequality and socio-economic exclusion), destruction (resource depletion, biodiversity loss and ecosystem erosion) and discontent (a breakdown in human health and wellbeing).

The partnership question revolves around DOMO’s ambitious long-term goal of becoming a pioneering innovator for sustainability in the chemicals sector over the coming 10 years. DOMO recognizes that this requires transformation of the business to achieve sustainability and has selected the Integrated Value (IV) approach of Prof. Visser at AMS, as the method to achieve these strategic changes.
The following deliverables will form the basis of the PRIME partnership:
Integrated Value Process
The Integrated Value (IV) strategic methodology has 7 steps:
- Systems mapping
- Stakeholder assessment
- Values renaissance
- Leadership review
- Value measurement
- Innovation catalysis
- Policy analysis
AMS will guide DOMO through this process, to serve as a strategic catalyst for embedding an integrated value approach in the organization. It will be DOMO’s responsibility to communicate and implement the outcomes of each step within the wider organization.
Change Management Process
In order to be successful, Integrated Value (IV) should serve also as a change management program. This implies that employees will need to be trained, communicated to and involved in the IV process.
Course of the project
- AMS kickstarts the change management program by delivering the 7 one-day IV workshops in Europe over the 3-year period. Key strategic personnel should attend the workshops.
- DOMO appoints a small change management team, with key staff who will deliver each IV workshop in the DOMO regions beyond Europe (America, Middle East, Asia), also over the 3-year period.
- The change management team will receive train-the-trainer instruction by AMS on the workshop processes, tools or techniques. An AMS team member will also support (in-person) the first workshop presented by the change management team for each step.
In total, therefore, 28 one-day workshops will be delivered over a 3-year period across the DOMO world, one per region for each of the 7 IV steps. Of these, AMS will lead 7 (the first workshop for each step, held in Europe) and support 7 (the second workshop for each step, delivered by the DOMO change management team in one of the non-Europe regions).
The partnership will focus on enabling DOMO to kick start its sustainable transformation journey over 3 years by using the IV methodology, which will align the company’s strategy and operations with changing societal trends and expectations. This in turn will serve as a foundation for credible public communications and branding of DOMO as a corporate leader on sustainability.
- Modelling the key dynamics of the operating environment for sustainability
- Capturing the material concerns & expectations of key stakeholders
- Uncovering & aligning the organization’s shared, synergistic values
- Reflecting on the strategic aspirations versus the systems map & stakeholders’ needs
- Identifying appropriate metrics for reporting on value creation & sustainability impacts
- Applying innovative ways of thinking to products, services & business models
- Reviewing government policies & codes that incentivize sustainable transformation