LAMMP-Chair on Social Value in Real Estate
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Below you can find articles on Behavioral Insights in Real Estate.
How hybrid will we be working tomorrow?
Working from home seems to be here to stay: a growing number of companies are closing down their offices, allowing their employees to work from home. A hybrid office environment, combining working from home and at the office, is best designed based on the needs of the user.
Bringing the user back in the building: an analysis of ESG in Real Estate and a framework to guide future research
Investors are currently obliged to take ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) issues into consideration as part of their fiduciary duty. As such, it becomes increasingly important to identify sustainable investments that hold financial value as well. A sector where this is especially underdeveloped is real estate. This has a lot to do with the obfuscated conceptualization of ESG. This article identifies key gaps in literature and practice, and provides a framework to further the understanding of how ESG factors can add societal and financial value in the real estate sector.