Business Design & Innovation
Tools & Publications
Get your knowledge and inspiration from our books and other publications. Below you can find an overview.

Kickstarting your Corporate-Startup Collaborations
Did you know that companies who invested in innovation during the last financial crisis came out stronger? In this third white paper created within the research project 'The Art of Corporate Venturing', we present various best practices for different forms of startup-corporate-collaborations.

Success factors in Corporate-Startup Cooperation
In this second whitepaper of our research project ‘The Art of Corporate Venturing’ we shift our focus towards the perspective of established firms.

The Art of Corporate Venturing
Insights into best practices and guidelines in order to better organize and drive external corporate venturing projects and strategic cooperation between both partners.

Groei door Designmanagement
Download the Business Economy for Non-Economists brochure and discover its extensive curriculum.
Wedstrijd HR in de zorg
De meest gebruikte en nuttige instrumenten om tijdens het designproces toe te passen.

Multiple pathways to succes in small creative businesses - the case of Belgian furniture designers
Download the Multiple pathways to succes in small creative businesses - the case of Belgian furniture designers report.
Wedstrijd HRM in de Overheid
De meest gebruikte en nuttige instrumenten om tijdens het designproces toe te passen.

Download het artikel Ambitie in Ondernemen (AiO)
Download de brochure van de Masterclass Innovatieve Arbeidsorganisatie en ontdek het uitgebreide curriculum.

From Customer value to Business value
Best practices voor succevolle innovatie van Pronails, Van Hoecke, Etap Lighting, Café Costume, Televic en Vyncke NV.

Het verhaal achter nieuwe producten
Een inspirerend boek voor wie geen bijzondere achtergrond heeft in productontwikkeling en industrieel design maar er als manager, ondernemer, overheid of student mee geconfronteerd wordt.

Cecilia's Keuze
De kracht van Human Centered Design, ontwerpen met meerwaarde op basis van gebruikersinzichten.

Internal levers for servitization
How product-oriented manufacturers can upscale product-service systems

'Van verkeersborden-databank naar ITS-toepassingen'
Tegen 2025 zullen de meeste voertuigen uitgerust zijn met technologie die in staat is om de weg te ‘lezen’.

White paper ‘Haalbare bedrijfsmodellen voor de exploitatie van flexwerkplekken’
Deze white paper kadert binnen het project ICOMflex, een onderzoek over Tijd- en PlaatsOnafhankelijk Werken (TPOW).

Exploring Entrepreneurial Actions of Creative Entrepreneurs and its Consequences for Entrepreneurship Education
Explore entrepreneurial behaviours creative entrepreneurs typically follow, and the practical application of such knowledge in the field of education and guidance.

Unraveling Belgian fashion designers' high perceived success - a set-theoretic approach
An explorative comparative case study of 19 cases in the fashion design industry regarding the achievement of high perceived organizational success.

Download het "bedrijfseconomische impact en dynamieken" rapport
A research report on renewed actualisation of the value networks for each identified subsector of the Creative Industries, actualisation of the description of the value network and the interaction with other stakeholders and a renewed analysis of the economical impact.…

De missing middle in creatieve industrieën
Practice examples that creative industries certainly do grow or have a strong ambition to do so. In this research report we'll further analyse the missing middle and formulate recommendations to stimulate growth in smaller creative businesses.

Innovatieve Bijdrage Creatieve Industrieën report
Research report to make Creative Flanders more venturous.

Dominante Denkkaders In De Creatieve Industrieën In Vlaanderen
Research report to make Creative Flanders more venturous.

Bedrijfseconomische impact en dynamieken
This report researches the economical impact of creative industries and dynamics within the creative industries of Antwerp.

Contribution of the Creative Industries to innovation
This report explores and maps the spillover effect of innovation of creative industries in a literature review, conceptual model and 2 cases.

Download the Euro China Investment Report 2013-2014
Detailed information on the current situation of Chinese companies operating in Europe.

Download the Euro China Investment Report 2015
Download the 2015 edition of the Euro China Investment Report: The changing roles of Chinese Enterprises in the Global Value Chain.

Business design & innovation toolbook
The most used and convenient instruments to apply during the design proces.

White Paper Product-Service Systemen
Download de White Paper Product-Service Systemen

Product service system implementation tool
Download the Product-Service-Systems Strategic Rollout Toolkit.