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Enabling Human Impact
Next generation work
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Next generation work

Tools & Publications

Social impact of participation, inclusion and psychological safety in the workplace

Social impact of participation, inclusion and psychological safety in the workplace

How democratic is your workplace? And does your workplace vote also influence your political vote?

2024 was an election year, both politically and socially. The ideal opportunity to question these movements!

In this white paper, read more about how seen and heard employees feel.

Type White paper
Topics Human Resources
Author Peggy De Prins, PhD
Date October 21, 2024
Taboos in the workplace

Taboos in the workplace

Taboos are of all times. They are accompanied by a range of emotions, such as shame and pain. Yet sometimes they suddenly come to the forefront or are broken when people decide to do speak out. Numerous taboos exist in the workplace as well, such as the #Metoo issue and the stories surrounding toxic leadership.

Such silence is also prevalent in the workplace. For example, 31% do not speak out on some sensitive topics and 36% will not share everything that is on their mind.

In this white paper, we delve deeper into the themes of this silence.

Type White paper
Topics Human Resources
Author Peggy De Prins, PhD
Date October 18, 2024

Mental health in the workplace: The role of managers in absenteeism prevention.

Workplace risk factors, such as stress and lack of support, worsen mental health. Managers play a crucial role in prevention but face challenges like stigma and lack of knowledge. This study explores the experiences of managers and employees and offers practical insights to improve workplace mental health.

Download our whitepaper for practical insights on effectively contributing to better workplace mental health.

Type White paper
Topics Human Resources
Date August 07, 2024

The workplace as the best learning environment. Also for blue-collar workers?

A lifetime of learning: while this is considered second nature for knowledge workers, it is less obvious for blue-collar workers. At least, that's often assumed. But is this really the case? And if so, does it only apply to craftsmanship, or is a lifelong learning path also possible in terms of soft skills?

Topics Human Resources
Date July 14, 2024

Co-crafting for a successful return to work after burnout.

Less than 40% of managers have the necessary knowledge to guide employees returning to work, while nearly 90% of employees see their role as crucial in the process. Burnout reintegration is complex and requires involvement from both sides. How does your organization approach this? Download the whitepaper for more insights. (The white paper is in Dutch but will be translated soon).

Type White paper
Topics Human Resources
Author Eva Geluk
Date February 07, 2024
What makes an absenteeism intervention work?

What makes an absenteeism intervention work?

Lack of empirically supported interventions for well-being and absenteeism in the workplace.

The whitepaper addresses the following two research questions:
1. When is a return-to-work considered successful, and what can we learn from this for the prevention of absenteeism in general?
2. What can a manager do to reduce absenteeism and ensure the health and well-being of employees?

In collaboration with partners bpost, Mensura, and B-Tonic (a subsidiary of Baloise)

The white paper is in Dutch.

Type White paper
Topics Human Resources
Author Eva Geluk, Kathleen Vangronsvelt
Date February 28, 2023
Careers in perspective - Proactive career behaviour, career shocks & regrets

Careers in perspective - Proactive career behaviour, career shocks & regrets

This white paper is the last in a series of three. With this series, we want to unravel careers in Belgium and the Netherlands and give expression to the different career stories of employees.

In this white paper, we look at what impact individuals themselves can have on their careers, whether they regret certain things and what effect a sudden event can have on careers.

In collaboration with House of HR.

Type White paper
Topics Human Resources
Author Sofie Jacobs, Jos Akkermans
Date October 20, 2022
Careers in perspective - Career Goals and Success

Careers in perspective - Career Goals and Success

This white paper is the second of three in the series.

In the second white paper, we look at careers from different perspectives on career success and find out what career goals the respondents are pursuing.

In collaboration with House of HR.

Type White paper
Topics Human Resources
Author Sofie Jacobs, Jos Akkermans
Date October 13, 2022
Careers in perspective

Careers in perspective

Setting the scene: Sustainable careers and career mobility in Belgium and the Netherlands.

This white paper is the first of three in the series. With this series, we want to unravel careers in Belgium and the Netherlands and give expression to the different career stories of employees.

Do you want to learn more about the framework in which we can understand careers today? Then dive in our white paper.

In collaboration with House of HR.

This white paper is also available in Dutch.

Type White paper
Topics Human Resources
Author Sofie Jacobs, Jos Akkermans
Date April 01, 2022
Agile Careers for All Talents - Welt

Agile Careers for All Talents - Welt

How to ensure sustainable employment of your current employees?

Simply investing in recruitment is useless if there is no good foundation to build upon. With Welt, Voka and Antwerp Management School work together with companies to create 'Endless Careers for All Talent' (Welt).

Want to know more about the pillars of Voka Welt? Then dive into our white paper (in Dutch).

Type White paper
Topics Human Resources
Author Prof. Dr. Ans De Vos
Date February 08, 2022
Employee silence: why and what are we silent about at work?

Employee silence: why and what are we silent about at work?

The theme of 'employee participation' is more topical today than ever in management discourse. Organizations are becoming flatter, hierarchical bureaucracies are being phased out, leadership is being more 'shared' and included outside the hierarchy. This also creates expectations towards employees: they need to make their voices heard more and more. Employee participation is thus no longer something purely 'desired', but rather something that is 'required' (Knoll et al., 2016).

In this white paper (in Dutch) we outline the results and analysis, based on a survey of 1598 employees.

Type White paper
Topics Human Resources
Author Prof. Dr. Peggy De Prins
Date October 14, 2021
Impact COVID-19 on human capital in organizations

Impact COVID-19 on human capital in organizations

In April 2020, in the midst of a coronary crisis, we launched a survey with organizations on the impact of COVID-19 on their human capital. Nothing led us to believe that, more than a year and 5 surveys later, we would still be researching the impact of the pandemic on work and careers - not only among employers, but also among employees. In this research report, you can read more about our main findings. (in Dutch)

Type White paper
Topics Human Resources
Author Kathleen Vangronsvelt, Ans De Vos
Date August 09, 2021
LiZeT: Getting started with sustainable careers in self-organizing teams

LiZeT: Getting started with sustainable careers in self-organizing teams

The team we work with is a decisive factor in how we experience our jobs. Therefore, your team is an essential key to a sustainable career. Yet, until now, this has remained underexposed as a context for career development, both in the academic literature and in the career policies of organizations. With this ESF "Innovation through Exploration" project we wanted to explore this further. We developed the LiZeT toolkit with the aim of actively engaging team members in their career development. More specifically, LiZeT helps teams to learn to organize themselves (in Dutch).

Type White paper
Topics Human Resources
Author Ans De Vos, Melissa Plasschaert, Frank De Craecker, Sara Bastiaensens
Date June 14, 2021
Impact evaluation ESF intervention 'training in companies'

Impact evaluation ESF intervention 'training in companies'

How and why do employees succeed in transferring learned social skills (soft skills) from training to the workplace? The results of this study are based on a survey of 50 cases.

Type Report
Topics Human Resources
Author Priscilla Álamos-Concha, Bart Cambré, Josephine Foubert, Valérie Pattyn, Benoît Rihoux and Benjamin Schalembier
Date November 24, 2020
The office environment as a lever for well-being and productivity  (Dutch)

The office environment as a lever for well-being and productivity (Dutch)

Together with knowledge partner NNOFCARE, Antwerp Management School gains insight into the impact that the office environment can have on the productivity and well-being of the employee. As part of this, an overview was made of the scientific literature on the subject, and an online survey was launched in the autumn of 2018 among more than 1.000 Belgian employees. This white paper reports on three cases from different sectors: consultancy (Deloitte), government (Flemish Community) and financial sector (KBC). In Dutch.

Type White paper
Topics Human Resources
Author Sarah Desmet & Peggy De Prins
Date March 25, 2020
Ode to HR-consultancy

Ode to HR-consultancy

If you recognise the four must haves from our podcasts and apply them in practice, it becomes clear that HR consultancy is an honourable profession with a great deal of added value for the customer and the business, and also a profession with lot's of passion and satisfaction.

Type Podcast
Topics Human Resources
Author Peggy De Prins, Bieke Van Gool
Date February 19, 2020
The consequences of digitization, informatization, and robotization

The consequences of digitization, informatization, and robotization

In what way are the sectors within the social profit confronted with the trend of digitization and robotization? What can they do to prepare both organizations and employees for its consequences?

Type White paper
Topics Human Resources
Author Ans De Vos, Peggy De Prins, Sarah Desmet
Date November 28, 2019
Inspiration guide Demographic Fund

Inspiration guide Demographic Fund

Since 2016, AMS acts as an academic partner of the Demographic Fund, an initiative of the social partners in the chemical, synthetic materials, and life sciences sector in the context of promoting...

Type Tool
Date June 13, 2019
manual HRM

manual HRM

Handboek HRM

Type Book
Date May 16, 2019
Loopbanen in Beweging

Loopbanen in Beweging

Loopbanen in beweging

Type Book
Date May 16, 2019
Het Huis van Werkvermogen

Het Huis van Werkvermogen

9 inspirerende verhalen over een Finse metafoor die tot leven kwam in de HR-praktijk van hier.

Sociale dialoog is mensenwerk en vormt vaak een onontwarbaar kluwen van emoties, regels, tradities, … Niet-ingewijden trekken grote ogen wanneer zij voor het eerst worden geconfronteerd met dit...

Type White paper
Date May 10, 2019
De clash voorbij, 7 bouwstenen voor sociale dialoog

De clash voorbij, 7 bouwstenen voor sociale dialoog

Sociale dialoog is mensenwerk en vormt vaak een onontwarbaar kluwen van emoties, regels, tradities, … Niet-ingewijden trekken grote ogen wanneer zij voor het eerst worden geconfronteerd met dit...

Type Book
Date November 29, 2018
De invloed van de werkomgeving op de productiviteit van kantoorwerkers

De invloed van de werkomgeving op de productiviteit van kantoorwerkers

Verwerf inzichten over je werkomgeving

Type White paper
Date November 12, 2018
De menselijke kant van mobiliteit

De menselijke kant van mobiliteit

Download deze whitepaper over het langer en gemotiveerd aan het werk houden van oudere medewerkers. Wat is co-sourcing, hoe duurzaam is het, en wat is de ROI?

Type White paper
Date November 12, 2018
Flexibility Research: Social network participation and employability among freelancers' (part 3/3)

Flexibility Research: Social network participation and employability among freelancers' (part 3/3)

“A large amount of freelancers is not participating in (in)formal social networks but they do experience a need for support in several domains.”

Type White paper
Date November 12, 2018
Flexibility Research: ‘Leveraging External Talent as a Strategic Resource’ (part 2/3)

Flexibility Research: ‘Leveraging External Talent as a Strategic Resource’ (part 2/3)

“Freelancers are not a marginal population within most organisations and in this sense they are a valuable group of talent that needs further consideration.”

Type White paper
Date November 12, 2018
Flexibility Research: ‘Flexible approaches to talent management’ (part 1/3)

Flexibility Research: ‘Flexible approaches to talent management’ (part 1/3)

“It’s no longer about finding the perfect match. It’s about constantly adapting to change”.

Type White paper
Date November 12, 2018
Talent as a new currency

Talent as a new currency

In the summer of 2018, professor Ans De Vos recorded the podcast "Talent as a new currency" in our AMS studio. She draws her inspiration from a recent study into flexible approaches to talent management. The result consists of 4 episodes in which innovative insights into sustainable careers are discussed (in Dutch).

Type Podcast
Topics Human Resources
Date October 08, 2018
Vier straffe HR uitspraken

Vier straffe HR uitspraken

Download deze whitepaper over het langer en gemotiveerd aan het werk houden van oudere medewerkers. Wat is co-sourcing, hoe duurzaam is het, en wat is de ROI?

Type White paper
Date October 08, 2018
Whitepaper VIONA

Whitepaper VIONA

Download the white paper VIONA and learn about the changing competency needs and their impact on the vacancies.

Type White paper
Date October 01, 2018
12 sleutels voor duurzaam HRM

12 sleutels voor duurzaam HRM

Het strategische HR-denken stoot vandaag op zijn grenzen. Met het perspectief van langer te moeten werken, daagt de H(uman)-kant de hardere M(anagement)-kant

Type Book
Date February 13, 2018
Iedereen content

Iedereen content

In dit vervolg op het succesvolle boek 'Iedereen competent' wordt een nieuw model aangeboden dat talent- en competentiemanagement integreert. De integratie van een top-down (blauwe) en een bottum-up (rode) benadering

Type Book
Date February 07, 2018
Paars Management

Paars Management

Paars management is een mix van blauw en rood management: blauw management vertrekt vanuit de bedrijfsmissie, rood management plaatst mensen en hun talenten centraal. Enkel door kruisbestuiving van beide systemen kunnen bedrijven zich van een toekomst verzekeren.

Type Book
Date February 07, 2018
The future of jobs in chemistry & life sciences

The future of jobs in chemistry & life sciences

Industry 4.0, big data, the internet of things. What is the impact?

Type Other
Date January 25, 2018
Download de whitepaper 'Co-sourcing, flexibel inzetten van talent'

Download de whitepaper 'Co-sourcing, flexibel inzetten van talent'

Download deze whitepaper over het langer en gemotiveerd aan het werk houden van oudere medewerkers. Wat is co-sourcing, hoe duurzaam is het, en wat is de ROI?

Type White paper
Date November 07, 2017
It takes two to tango

It takes two to tango

Download this white paper on sustainable career policy and the combination of employees and their executives.

Type White paper
Date May 08, 2017
Talent Mobiliteit

Talent Mobiliteit

Research results and 10 recommendations to mobilize talent.

Type White paper
Date March 01, 2017


Whitepaper inclusion of employees with an intellectual disabilities in the regular economical circuit

Type White paper
Date February 24, 2017
Flex met Flex

Flex met Flex

Telework, working from home, flex desks, flexible work regulations, … these are all types of time and place independent work. ...

Type White paper
Date February 10, 2017