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Research future of work
Enabling Human Impact
Future Leadership

Future Leadership

Our current economic climate presents many organizations with enormous challenges. They need strong leaders to turn these challenges into sustainable successes. After all, middle managers play a key role as a catalyst for strategy and change.

This is not a simple role, however. The pressure on middle managers in their ever-changing environment continues to grow. It’s up to them to reconcile conflicting expectations and the interests of various stakeholders. And while they often have no influence or control over the end result or what happens next, they are expected to write the next chapter of the story. Usually with very little room for maneuver, as a result of which they are often literally stuck in the middle.

Main activities:

  • Put authentic and shared leadership, and leadership development on the agenda of organizations and society.
  • Perform practical and relevant academic research on leadership development.
  • Be a thought leader and trendsetter in leadership development in Belgium.
  • Be the active center in an international network for academic research on leadership.
  • Inspire a network of alumni, leaders and people from the industry for state-of-the-art leadership development.
