Module 1: Excellence in strategic management
In this module you learn how to balance tensions and paradoxes within a turbulent environment.
We introduce the right tools and techniques to formulate a breakthrough strategy. Classic frameworks such as environmental scanning are complemented with the Jobs-to-be-Done Theory enabling the search for competitive advantage. Based on seven tests, we offer you some rules of thumb to improve the effectiveness of your strategy.
This strategy cannot be realized without a clear, explicit and widely supported Strategy Execution process. We share proven methods to ensure strategy execution becomes an integral part of your day-to-day operation. We challenge you to achieve an execution premium that expresses the added value and impact of a disciplined strategy process.
You also learn to unlock new sources of value applying Smart business. Recombining digital and non-digital resources, enabling organizational capabilities and a drive to create meaningful value can boost organizational performance and lead to better offerings, lower cost, faster time-to-market and a greater impact on customer and employee experience. We deliberately do not distinguish between digitization and digital transformation. After all, capitalizing on technology to thrive can go all the way from being a driver of marginal efficiency gains to being an enabler of fundamental change.
After this module you can:
- translate the complexity of your environment into a clear outline for strategy;
- make the why, what and how explicit with a clear and robust mission, vision and strategy;
- set to work with innovative strategy frameworks;
- transform your strategic goals into a set of KPIs and use them in a motivatingmanner;
- embed and optimize your strategy execution processes;
- understand the 2 drivers of smart business: awareness & adoption of relevant digital technology, and organizational capabilities;
- identify relevant technologies and prioritize their resource allocation by using the ‘Smart Adoption Model’;
- identify alternative strategic responses to technological change;
- effectively make choices on how to best use technology to engage stakeholders and create a distinct advantage;