PhD candidates & their research
We’re proud to introduce you to our current PhD candidates*. Have a look and explore the interesting research topics they are currently working on. Intrigued and want to know more about one of the topics? Feel free to reach out via the LinkedIn button.
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*who have completed Stage 1 of the PhD program for Executives.

Agapito Luiz
Topic: The effect of regional factors and technology characteristics on high-tech farming uptake – evidence from analysis in Brazilian Middle-West
Agostinho Cussomba
Topic: Facilitation of informal financing over street vendors in Luanda Angola
Al-Issa Nermain
Topic: Luxury Consumption in The Islamic Market: Why Do Muslims Purchase Luxury Products in The Post-modern Liquid Market and How Does Individuals’ Level of Religiosity Affect Their Luxury Purchasing Intentions?
AlSalfiti Ahmed
Topic: An Analysis of Port Service Quality on B2B Customer Satisfaction: The case of Kuwait.
Ananthraman Srinivasan
Topic: The salience of inter-relatedness among patents in a patent portfolio: An empirical investigation into the effect of patent portfolio quality on its value
Braiteh Dima
Topic: The Impact of the Paradoxical Leadership Behavior on the Employee Well-Being in the context of Organizational change
Canale Segovia Fernanda
Topic: Family Influence on Family Firms' Ambidextrous Orientation
Carreno Gonzalo
Topic: The impact in Negotiation of the BATNA in the salary context.
Chaara Mohammed
Topic: Organizational Learning in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: A Common Framework for Business Adoption
“mens et machinae manibus”
Chinchanikar Sameer Shankar
Topic: Coopetition dynamics : An interaction perspective
Cortese Alessandro Jacques
Topic: A configurational approach to improving Radiotherapy patient’s outcomes in Europe
Deblond Alexander
Topic: Human Capital Characteristics of Irish, Swiss and Belgian High Technology Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and the relation to their International Entry Mode strategy
Deif Nadine
Topic: The Impact of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Rulings on Companies’ Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and Host Countries’ Present and Future Public Policies
Fahl Dina
Topic: To what extent corporate social responsibility effect Corporate Financial Performance moderated by corporate governance.
Fierens Janick
Topic: How Founder/CEOs and senior teams lead and experience the organizational journey of scale-up ventures during the scaling phase, navigating the duality of endurance and change
Friedl Clemens
Topic: Explaining boundary conditions for successful and unsuccessful servitization in the aviation industry
Geluk Eva
Topic: Effect of job resources, job crafting and positive gain spiral on re-integration measures after burn-out.
Ginzburg Oren
Topic: Excessive Complexity and Unnecessary Complication inOrganizations: the Case of Multi-Donor Grant Making Funds
Goossens Mark
Topic: The effects that the attributes of the supply chain (transparency - traceability, CSR, (others?), and natural / man-made diamonds) have on the perceived value of diamond jewelry at a retail level.
Gupta Chonchol
Topic: The Correlation of Risk and the Quantified Effect on Business Resilience and Decision Making
Hausmann Martin
Topic: Reasons for technology acceptance of battery energy storage systems in Germany
Heise Denis
Topic: A clockwork analysis of the macroeconomic value drivers of private equity backed industrial companies
Hofer Beat
Topic: Understanding the dynamics of combining human and artificial clinical decision structures
Khawand Maroon Hady
Topic: Intellectual property rights management and exit strategy through mergers and acquisitions involving small and medium-sized enterprises in the gulf region
Khoury Muna
Topic: The Effect of Quantitative Job Insecurity on Employee’s Personal Values Moderated by Moral Development Stages: An Empirical Study with Evidence from a Local Government Unit in Palestine; Case of ‘Ramallah’ Municipality.
Kruisinga Bucsea Simona
Topic: How I get along with my sales manager matters: the moderating effect of LMX on sales management competencies and customer mindset
Langner Christopher
Topic: What makes a bond green and when are they greenwashing?
León y Vélez Avelar Jorge Arturo
Topic: The nature, extent and effectiveness of CSR communication using social media in Mexico
Lin Shiqiang
Topic: The Machine Learning Approaches for Chinese SME Credit Risk Assessment
López Pérez Rosa Paulina
Topic: Building upon the “Intuitive Judgement and Intuitive Outcome Framework”: understanding Intuitive Misses
Martens Jan
Topic: The interaction of residential parking demand with new residential developments, car parks and mobility hubs
Masiala Jean-Sébastien Theko
Topic: Interest and conditions of a strategic and privileged economic partnership betwenn Belgium and the D.R. Congo
Moors Jürgen
Topic: Influence of organizational culture and leadership on the introduction of big data projects in a manufacturing environment
Munteanu Dorinela
Topic: Setting the pace of internationalization in SME’s: a configurational analysis of entrepreneur’s personality, firm- and environment-level conditions
Neyrinck Marc
Topic: Start me up: Towards a better understanding on how new ventures acquire their first customer
Nickl Tracy
Topic: Having An Intentional Personal Brand In Social Media Matters - For Both Wealth Managers And Their Firms
Nkou Mananga Pierre
Topic: Systemic Risk and Interconnectedness in the non-banking sector: Evidence from South Africa
Nottbrock Claus
Topic: Industry 4.0: Business Process Maturity Model for the digitalized interorganizational value chain - developing a research proposal
Nwodo Charles
Topic: To what extent does diversification of ownership of corporate organisations impact the achievement of the organisation’s goals?
op 't Roodt Steven
Topic: Whether there are attributes of leaders that have a positive relation with successful dealing with challenges resulting from an organization's confrontation with disruptive changes in terms of dealing with transformation and this in reactive, proactive or prescription mode
Peng Peng
Topic: How to create more customer value in independent coffee shops? - A set-theoretic approach to value creation
Piot Wim
Topic: Price evolution in the residential real estate market: causes, effects and the future
Prete Alessandro
Topic: Development of industrial processes for the competitiveness of the European manufacturing industry; optimization of elasticity of the productivity as a function of capacity load and manufacturing system types incorporating economy of scale.
Puthenpurackal Chakko Joseph
Topic: An Agile Portfolio Framework to Govern Enterprise IT Investments
Raps Filip
Topic: Leading in turbulent times - threat rigidity and sensemaking during repetitive organizational change.
Rettig Christina
Topic: Exploring Pharma 4.0 - Adoption of new technologies in drug manufacturing
Rosés Luis Maria
Topic: How some "team constructs" (performance precursors, team motivation and cognitive distribution) as well as leadership personality traits affect team meeting results.
Sanchez-Stahmer Darby
Topic: Chinese Economic Statecraft and OFDI: Case Studies from Central America
Sanchez Varas Lucia
Topic: Out of place bodies/ identities at work: The case of women in masculinized jobs of the Chilean Mining Industry
Scheipers Geert
Topic: Perspectives on manager’s use of mental models
in strategy management and strategic change
Tögl Daniel
Topic: Improving success with inter-team retrospectives in large-scale agile programs
Tuominen Ville
Topic: A predictive model to enable successful customer value management in digital transformation by increasing perceived customer value
Valero Juan Luis
Topic: Effects of public subsidies at EU level towards Innovation
Van de Goorberg Peter
Topic: The corporatization of an entrepreneurial firm: A multi-level approach
Vanhaute Dave
Topic: IT M&A success: factors influencing the Post Merger integration of the IT function.
Van Hemelrijck Luc
Topic: To what extent is the adaptiveness of the sales force in the B2B industrial software industry constrained by strategy alignment and how will this constriction evolve as a result of the implementation of Artificial Intelligence technology?
Van Oostende Christa
Topic: The Role of Trade Unions Toward a Lifelong Learning Society
Vanoorbeek Hans
Topic: A constitutive view on Entrepreneurial buyouts. Towards a conceptual framework
Vervliet Stef
Topic: Impact of ethics on the integration process of acquired companies.
Vriesacker Koen
Topic: What, if any, are the antecedents of strong network participation in goal directed organisation networks?
Vyncke Geert
Topic: What strategies do stakeholders use in the Belgian construction chain to increase and maximize the level of circularity of a building project?
Xu Fajun
Topic: How and When Does Age Diversity Promote Firm Performance? The Mediation of Diversity Management and Employees’ Participation in Decision Making and the Moderation of Diversity Legitimacy Logic
Yakupoglu Mehmet Ulas
Topic: The usefulness of direct-to-consumer advertisement impacts on patients’ surgery treatment and medical device selection