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Belgium for international students


Registration at AMS

As soon as you arrive in Antwerp, we will personally assist you in filling out all necessary documents for registration with both AMS and the City of Antwerp. If you are an international student, please wait to register with the city until you have registered at AMS. Even though you will receive instructions upon arrival telling you to register within 8 days, please disregard this as AMS will take care of it for your convenience! We also advise you to open a Belgian bank account as soon as possible.

On “Registration Day” we will register you as a student of Antwerp Management School. Please make sure to bring the following documents with you:

  • Copy of your diploma (If the original is not in Dutch, English, French or German, an official translation into one of these languages is necessary)
  • Copy of your passport / ID card
  • Copy of your international health insurance (please review the details about Health Insurance and make sure it is valid in Belgium and until the end of the academic year)
  • Please note that you need to get this insurance before traveling to Belgium! You will not be allowed to participate in any class activities if you don’t have a valid insurance.
  • For European students, please make sure you ask for a European Health card
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Registration at the City of Antwerp

All international students living in Belgium for more than 3 months, must also register with the Department of Foreigners in the city that they will live in.

If you are a EU-student, please bring:

  • Copy of your passport / ID card
  • 2 passport-sized photographs (white background and size 3.5 x 4.5 cm - if you bring pictures from home, make sure you check the size, it might be different)
  • Proof of health insurance valid in Belgium : European Health insurance card → Copy of the rental agreement of your room/apartment in Antwerp
  • Proof of financial means: you can fill out the necessary document when you arrive at Antwerp Management School

If you are a non-EU student, please bring:

  • Copy of your passport
  • Copy of your student visa (D-visa) with date of entry in Belgium. Make sure to add a copy of the admittance stamp that was given to you when entering the country
  • 2 passport-sized photographs (white background and size 3.5 x 4.5 cm - if you bring pictures from home, make sure you check the size, it might be different)
  • Copy of the rental agreement of your room/apartment in Antwerp

Want to know more? Check out this FAQ (scroll down the page)

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