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Good research requires good performance: A…

December 13, 2016

Good research requires good performance: A cooperation between BPACT and AMS

Just this week, BPACT and the Antwerp Management School (AMS) signed a letter of intent stating they will work together more closely in the future. Both parties consider the creation, development and optimal operation of a large-scaled online survey panel as a way of combining meaningful research with scientific depth.

AMS is a prominent business school offering ongoing management training and customized service projects. They strive for state-of-the-art management knowledge. Together with BPACT, they will now explicitly commit to performing practical and relevant research using a scientific and insightful approach.

“Useful research, performed according to high quality standards, constitutes a critical success factor for economic and social development in general, and for taking the correct management decisions in companies and organizations in particular”, says Prof. Dr. Bart Cambré (Associate Dean of Research).

“BPACT is an office that – just like AMS – focuses on quality. Cooperating with them will prove to be very valuable for both parties”.

The cooperation is focused around 3 main goals:

  1. Quality management of online research and online panels. For this purpose, scientific research will be performed towards different aspects of online research.
  2. New products and services regarding the development of online panels. For both AMS and BPACT, this could improve the quality of products and services for internal and external stakeholders and partners.
  3. Development of the panel. By working together, AMS and BPACT will be able to offer a larger and broader panel with validated quality control.

Bpact is very happy with this cooperation, “because supporting solid and high-quality research is BPACT’s focus!”, says CEO Jo Steyaert.

More information

Would you like to meet our panel?
Contact us Jo Steyaert – BPACT – 0472 / 53 09 41 – jo@bpact.xyzwww.bpact.xyzabc@bpact.xyz

Would you like to contact AMS?
Anja Tys, t +32 (0)3 265 47 33, m +32 486 494 387 anja.tys@ams.ac.be www.antwerpmanagementschool.be

Or would you like to participate and experience BPACT yourself?
Go to bpact.xyz and join us, or register directly at http://abc.bpact.xyz/s3/NL

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