July 05, 2017
AMS Faculty members also get awards at the end of this academic year
At the end of the academic year, our graduates are not the only people whose performance we will appreciate. We also look back at the achievements of our faculty and recognize the best, with two awards of distinction.
Teacher of the Year
For the sixth consecutive year, the “Best Teacher Award” was awarded during the graduation ceremony of the Full-Time Master programs. The nominations are based on the evaluations the students give to their professors during the academic year. Students nominate who they feel is the best teacher, after which a general winner is nominated.
For the academic year 2016-2017, this honor goes to Prof. Dr. Marc De Ceuster. During the ceremony, Vice-Dean Prof. Jesse Segers mentioned several comments from the students about him: “Pleasant lessons – simple and intuitive – this subject is strongly connected to the real world – highly structured teaching material”. This can certainly be considered a fantastic and not-so-obvious merit when you consider the subject that Prof. De Ceuster teaches (Finance).

- The nominees for 2016-2017 are:
Dr. Marc De Ceuster (Master in Finance) – Best Teacher Award winner 2016-2017
- Dr. Steven de Haes (Master in Management)
- Axel Funhoff (Master in Global Supply Chain Management)
- Dr. Elise Meijer (Master in Innovation & Entrepreneurship)
- Dr. Kabadayi Sertan (Master in Global Management)
- Dr. Lou Van Beirendonck (Master in Human Resource Management)
- Dr. Peter Verhezen (China-Europe Business).
Most Innovatie Teaching Award
New for 2017 is the award for “Most Innovative Teaching Award”. This award is given by a jury composed of the Dean, Associate Dean and 2 external international experts. The faculty of AMS could individually apply for this, or as a team, and each of them submitted an extensive file to support their candidacy. This year’s winner is the Expertise Center Leadership led by Prof. Jesse Segers and Prof. Koen Marichal. “The Expert Center’s colleagues are committed to innovating leadership development through sustained and collective methodologies, digital tools and proprietary tools,” said Paul Matthyssens, Dean. The winners received their award during the graduation ceremony of the Executive Master students on June 23rd, 2017.