November 06, 2017
Antwerp Management School launches podcast series ‘Leadership is everywhere’
TV shows like De Collega’s and Het Eiland were among the first to bear the happy tidings: the leadership we’ve grown to know and expect for decades on end, is no longer. Those who still try to play the authoritarian leader, get benched before they know it. Instead, we’re getting an authentic and shared leadership. Today, Antwerp Management School launches ‘Leadership is everywhere’, a podcast series that sifts through the clichés and shows that today’s leadership is everywhere, in our environment and within us.
No doubt the older generation chuckles at the memory of the legendary TV show De Collega’s, in which the cigar-in-mouth-CEO dictatorially throws around commands while his well-meaning but far less forceful department head has to deal with all the complaints. With Het Eiland, the younger generation got an equally hilarious image of typical leaders. It’s clear: all of us realize that the cliché image of authoritarian leadership in these fast-changing times is completely inappropriate.
So how should it be? Since 2011, Antwerp Management School’s Expertise Center Leadership has been working towards knowledge of authentic and shared leadership: leadership that starts with self-awareness and that is no longer carried alone, but shared with colleagues. A kind of sustainable leadership that grows along with the questions and demands of the company or organization. Too fuzzy? Antwerp Management School relied on the expertise of radio and television host Sven Speybrouck to produce five podcasts that make it entirely concrete.
In the podcasts, available weekly starting Monday November 6, experts Koen Marichal and Jesse Segers explain what the new leadership is and how you can discover the leader within yourself. To address these issues, they draw inspiration from very recognizable situations – at the zoo, at the butcher’s or on the soccer field. Every podcast grants a little more insight into what leadership could and should mean today and tomorrow, and foremost how you can meet those expectations.
Until 2010, Koen Marichal was senior HR partner at GDF Suez, after which he founded the Expertise Center Leadership at Antwerp Management School. Jesse Segers is Professor Leadership and Organizational Behavior at Antwerp Management School and co-founder of the Expertise Center. Earlier this year, they teamed up to publish the book ‘De kleren van de leider’. With this podcast series, they want to share their sharp vision on the new leadership, so you can put their insights to good use at home, at work or in your free time.
Press contact
Anja Tys, Corporate Marketing Communication Manager, anja.tys@ams.ac.be
T+32 3 265 47 33 of M+32 486 494 387