December 15, 2021
AMS campus is the new home of "Deep South" by the Ghent-based artist Bahati Simoens
The Ace Foundation's mission is focused on three key areas: art & culture, environment, and society with a focus on creating opportunities for the youth.
They strongly believe that art is a universal language providing inspiration and beauty across barriers and communities. Support of the cultural and creative sector is therefore key. As a first step in realizing such mission, they have added the beautiful work “Deep South” of the Ghent-based artist Bahati Simoens to the Ace Collection. In line with our mission, any work from the Ace Collection is to be displayed in a place for the public to enjoy its beauty and be inspired by it. By doing so, we wish to bring people into contact with art and introduce them to talented artists.

Wouter Verhelst, board member at the Ace Foundation and AMS alumnus: “We are happy to announce that the new home for the work “Deep South” of Bahati is the beautifully renovated campus of the Antwerp Management School. We are very grateful to them for becoming a partner of the Ace Foundation and making a place available on their walls, and we hope that the students enjoy the work as much as we do”.
Steven De Haes, dean AMS: “We are very honored to partner with the Ace Foundation in giving a voice to the creative minds of artists like Bahati. Fully in line with our mission we want to open minds to create a positive impact on our society and the world. No better language than that from young artists to inspire us with innovative insights to accomplish this mission. As our campus is home to a very international community of students, faculty and staff, this piece of art reaches out across the globe.”
For those who want to know more about Bahati and her work, do follow her on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/bahati.simoens/) or check her website (https://bahatisimoens.com/).