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Ten pointers for better career management
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Ten pointers for better career management

We live in a world subject to continuous change, a highly competitive environment and an uncertain job market. In this world that demands a lot of flexibility from organizations and employees, both want to achieve their ambitions. Every manager - and certainly the human resource manager - faces the challenge of getting the best out of people. Just in that unpredictable context, it is necessary to pay attention to work and employability from a career perspective.
In her new book 'Careers in motion', Ans de Vos, PhD, gives 10 pointers for a better career policy.
Ans devos
by Ans De Vos, PhD | November 7, 2016
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1. Define the why of your career policy

Our Career Breakthrough Survey reveals three reasons to engage in career management: growth, workability, and employability. For some organizations, one reason is the most important; for others, we see combinations.

2. Formulate a clear career proposition

The analysis of why a career policy is needed forms the basis for formulating a clear career proposition: what do you as an organization offer employees from a career perspective?

3. Formulate clear roles and responsibilities

A good career policy takes into account the interests of those involved (employee, supervisors, upper management, and HR). In addition to developing a clear career proposition, clarity about roles and responsibilities is also important.

4. Work on the career potential of jobs

The development potential of the current job should not be overlooked when developing a career policy. This requires attention to the way jobs are designed. Mapping learning curves in jobs, working with roles, and opportunities for job crafting are concrete ways to increase the career potential of jobs.

5. Encourage mobility within the organization

For organizations, internal mobility is a way to provide a career perspective for employees that goes broader than promotions. Internal mobility makes it easier to move people when the workability of their current job is compromised. We formulate ways to encourage mobility, paying attention to flexibility in choices, both in terms of job content and how employees perform their jobs.

6. Think beyond organizational boundaries

Growing flexibility in careers and a rapidly changing context are making careers more "borderless." Careers do not have to take place continuously within the same organization. We discuss the possibilities of co-sourcing as a way to provide broader career and talent development opportunities for employees.

7. Ensure a coherent career system and monitor consistency with other HR domains

A system is only as strong as its weakest link. Therefore, it is important that the career system be internally consistent, and consistent with broader HR policies.

8. Make career counseling the beating heart of your HR policy

Career counseling helps employees clarify their strengths and interests, make considered decisions, and develop strategies that help them achieve their goals. It is a relational event, where process is important, rather than a static number of conversations, and where supporting tools can help employees in their self-analysis. We elaborate on this process in this guide.

9. Invest in the development of career competencies

Career competence refers to the ability to direct one's own career in a proactive and self-directed way according to personal needs and taking into account what the context allows. Both HR and executives can take initiatives to increase employees' self-awareness and proactively take ownership of their careers. We elaborate on these in this guide.

10. Support managers in their role of career facilitator

Much of career development takes place within the job, and so the supervisor plays an important role in this. However, this involvement of the manager is not a given. It requires attention to the competence and motivation of managers to really take on this role. In this guide, we look at what good managers do and formulate advice.

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