Randstad has been collaborating with Antwerp Management School for quite some time now, for instance when it comes to the organization of summer schools. When Inge Van Goubergen was invited to the official opening of the NeuroTrainingLabTM at AMS, she felt completely triggered by Steven Poelmans' plans for a Master Class Business Strategy & Leadership: a combination of strategic thinking and working on leadership from the perspective of neuroscience.

Inge: "I was convinced that such a lab would be able to help clarify the things you already know somehow but can’t put your finger on. Which must provide an incredible added value. Randstad gave me the opportunity to take part in the Master Class, and it turned out to be a truly enriching experience indeed. It's not that we've never done leadership projects within Randstad before, but this Master Class really stands out. The NeuroTrainingLabTM provides you with tools from a totally different angle. Thanks to the feedback and coaching, you can immediately put these into practice. I've gained a lot more self-confidence from this than from any other course I've taken before".
"I have gained much more self-confidence from this Master Class than from any other trajectory I have followed."
"The Master Class also came at exactly the right time for me. At Randstad, we were involved for the first time in drawing up the new strategic plan. Now I get a lot of energy and experience from all the companies I work with, but designing a strategy and putting it down on paper was rather unfamiliar territory for me. What is great about the Business Strategy module is that on the one hand, you get a theoretical framework, but on the other hand, you also get to apply this framework in practice”.
"You notice that with a good, short preparation you can start asking very specific questions and get a lot of relevant information in a minimum of time."
"Thus, Geert Scheipers at one time literally dropped us into the city for a field exercise, which was really fun. We had to visit a company and draw up a strategy for it. Such an exercise is very refreshing and above all: it is a real eye-opener. It truly makes you realize that thanks to a good, short preparation, you can ask very targeted questions and get a lot of relevant information in a minimum of time. These are experiences that I still use with my clients: it makes it easier to talk about their strategy and how we can support them as a partner".
"It wasn’t just the program and the faculty that were running at full speed, the group was really dynamic too. We all came from different backgrounds, which proved to be very enriching: you really learn from each other and not just from the professors. The group hit if off right away, we trusted each other from day one. And we are still hitting it off, by the way, we are all keeping in touch. That too, is unique; in other training programs contacts are much more fleeting, but here the group feeling is still very much alive today. Of course, as an organizer you can’t control this 100%, still, I'm convinced that the typical AMS approach plays an essential role in this".
"There was an immediate click, the trust was there from day one. By the way, it still clicks, because we are still in contact with each other."
"I can absolutely recommend this Master Class. The combination of Business Strategy and Leadership opens up new horizons. In the Leadership module, you get a unique trio of theory, the NeuroTrainingLabTM and personal coaching. So it is not only the content, but also the approach that is top notch. The faculty knows how to link theory and practice in an incredible way, and you also learn a lot from each other within the group. I have noticed that my thinking has really broadened, thanks to this Master Class, and that I feel much more confident. So yes, this Master Class is an absolute must”.
Curious what this master class can do for you?